The Librarian's Secret Diary
By Grace Tierney
5/6/20 My First Day
5/13/20 The Story Time Saga Begins
5/20/20 Miss Fix It
5/27/20 Everybody is a Critic
6/3/20 Tangled Yarn
6/10/20 A Colourful Day
6/17/20 History and Bicycles
6/24/20 Ghosts, Witches, and Zombies in the Library
7/2/20 A Crazy Witch on a Bicycle
7/8/20 Beware Novelists at Work
7/15/20 I Acquire a Minion
7/22/20 Crushing the Hopes of my Minion
7/29/20 The Book Ordering Battle
8/5/20 Inter Library Loans
8/12/20 The Joys of Unboxing
8/19/20 A Pigeon at Story Time
8/26/20 Christmas in the Library - Part One
9/2/20 Christmas in the Library - Part Two
9/9/20 Neither Borrower Nor Lender Be
9/16/20 New Year’s Resolutions
9/23/20 The Great Library Spring Clean
9/30/20 Bob’s Big Book Sale
10/7/20 First One’s Free
10/14/20 Democracy and Circles
10/21/20 It Has a Blue Cover
10/28/20 Love in the Library
11/4/20 February 29th
11/11/20 National Library Open Day
11/18/20 Bonkers Bookmarks
11/25/20 Simon Says
12/2/20 The Secret Teen Book Club
12/9/20 World Book Day - Part One
12/16/20 World Book Day - Part Two
12/23/20 New Jobs and Glue Sticks
12/30/20 The Thermostat Wars
1/6/21 Seeing Spots
1/13/21 Chess Stress
1/20/21 The Death of Literature
1/27/21 More Secrets in the Secret Teen Book Club
2/3/21 My First Library Card
2/10/21 A Very Short Book Reviewer
2/17/21 Library Humour
2/24/21 Burning Books - Part One
3/3/21 Cross Words and Crosswords
3/10/21 Beware the Ranting Librarian
3/17/21 Burning Books - Part Two
3/24/21 Burning Books - Part Three
3/31/21 A Librarian Down a Rabbit Hole
4/7/21 The Thrills of Library Planning Sessions
4/14/21 Holiday Reading
4/21/21 The Great Return
4/28/21 New Starts
5/5/21 Tea and a Bun - Part One
5/12/21 Tea and a Bun - Part Two
5/19/21 Dead Readers, Dead Toes, and Books of Death
5/26/21 My First Anniversary
6/2/21 Shiver Me Timbers
6/9/21 The First Bailey Bookworms Meeting
6/16/21 The Smell of Paint
6/23/21 Treasure Hunting
6/30/21 Library Tech Support
7/7/21 The Mad Hatter Goes to the Night Circus
7/14/21 The Library Employment Agency - Part One
7/21/21 The Library Employment Agency - Part Two
7/28/21 So You Wanna Write a Book?
8/4/21 The Wheels on the Bus - Part One
8/11/21 The Wheels on the Bus - Part Two
8/18/21 The Wheels on the Bus - Part Three
8/25/21 The Bailey BookWorms Meet Again
9/1/21 Rocking Around the Christmas Tree - Part One
9/8/21 Rocking Around the Christmas Tree - Part Two
9/15/21 The Library Christmas Lunch
9/22/21 Elf versus Bear
9/29/21 Operation Transformation
10/6/21 Ciao
10/13/21 Bookselling Ain't Easy
10/20/21 Becoming an Ambassador
10/27/21 Linda Has an Idea
11/4/21 Jumping Off The Bandwagon
11/10/21 Creative Teens with Creative Genes
11/17/21 Tall, Dark, and Brooding (Part One)
11/24/21 Tall, Dark, and Brooding (Part Two)
12/1/21 Fifteen Minutes of Fame (Part One)
12/8/21 Fifteen Minutes of Fame (Part Two)
12/15/21 April Fool’s Day
12/22/21 Laying Eggs
12/29/21 The Bluffer’s Guide to Reading
1/5/22 Staff Motivation
1/12/22 Age is Just a Number
1/19/22 When the Cat's Away
1/26/22 The Cat is Still Away and the Mice are Playing
2/2/22 Beware of Trolls Under the Bridge
2/9/22 Green-fingered Librarians
2/16/22 Ingenious Librarians
2/23/22 If You Go Down to the Woods Today
3/2/22 The Perils of Bake Off
3/9/22 Bob’s Beach Reads
3/18/22 The Library Road Trip - Part One
3/23/22 The Library Road Trip - Part Two
3/30/22 String and Watering Cans - Part One
4/6/22 String and Watering Cans - Part Two
4/13/22 Castles and Deadlines
4/20/22 Heritage and History Making - Part One
4/27/22 Heritage and History Making - Part Two
5/4/22 Making Women Swoon
5/11/22 The Back to School Blues
5/18/22 First One’s Free
5/25/22 No Eating or Drinking in the Library
6/1/22 Row, Row, Row Your Boat
6/8/22 The Many Enemies of Books
6/15/22 How to Avoid Work
6/22/22 The Sneaky Eater Unmasked
6/29/22 Pumpkins, Black Cats, and Spiders
7/6/22 Silencing the Story Teller
7/20/22 What Goes Up Must Come Down
7/27/22 Being a Big Kid
8/3/22 Garden Surprises
8/10/22 Cookbooks Aren’t Easy to Write
8/17/22 Life Drawing Models
8/24/22 Strangers in the Rain
8/31/22 You Can’t Always Get What You Want - Part One
9/7/22 You Can’t Always Get What You Want - Part Two
9/14/22 Breaking Bread Changes People
9/21/22 Bear vs. Elf - the Rematch
9/28/22 The Perfect New Year's Eve
10/5/22 Counting Books
10/12/22 The Book Sale Blues
10/19/22 You Think You Know Somebody
10/26/22 Kilt Conundrums
11/2/22 Sowing Season
11/9/22 And All That Jazz
11/16/22 Love in the Library
11/23/22 Patriotic Team Work
11/30/22 Reading is Not an Elite Sport
12/7/22 The Library Gets a Mouse
12/14/22 The Goose Inn Intervention
12/21/22 Art Attack - Part One
12/28/22 Art Attack - Part Two
1/4/23 The Library Community Parade
1/11/23 The Sewing Bee
1/18/23 The Politics of Pockets
1/25/23 Literary Creatures
2/1/23 National Poetry Day, Saints, and Limericks
2/8/23 Chalk and Talk
2/15/23 Nobody Should Have to Work on their Birthday
2/22/23 Death in the Stacks - Part One
3/1/23 Death in the Stacks - Part Two
3/8/23 A Green Fingered Grand Opening
3/15/23 Summer Festival Days - Part One
3/22/23 Summer Festival Days - Part Two
3/29/23 Summer Reading Bingo
4/5/23 Beach Reads Advisor in Chief
4/12/23 Beware Sudden Braking on the Book Bus - Part One
4/19/23 Beware Sudden Braking on the Book Bus - Part Two
4/26/23 A Bookish Date
5/3/23 Secrets to Share
5/10/23 On a Riverbank
5/17/23 Longing for my Bed
5/24/23 Full House
5/31/23 Netflix Has a Lot to Answer For - Part One
6/7/23 Netflix Has a Lot to Answer For - Part Two
6/14/23 Over the Sea and Far Away - Part One
6/21/23 Over the Sea and Far Away - Part Two
6/28/23 Back to the Salt Mines
7/5/23 The Toast Wars
7/12/23 Letting the Cat out of the Bag
7/19/23 Aching Arms
7/26/23 Emergency Books
8/2/23 The Dessert Inquisition
8/9/23 Bobbing for Apples
8/16/23 Pints, Tarantino, and “Adventurous” Books
8/23/23 The Power of the Pivot
8/30/23 Reading Glasses
9/6/23 Passive Agressive Librarians
9/13/23 Dark Times - Part One
9/20/23 Dark Times - Part Two
9/27/23 The Elf Strikes Back
10/4/23 Christmas Romance
10/11/23 The Best Christmas Present
10/18/23 Dancing Librarians
10/25/23 Sushi and Kissing
11/1/23 A Literary Bonfire
11/8/23 Closing Time
11/15/23 Playing Hunt the Book
11/22/23 Librarian Love Tokens
11/29/23 The Bookmark Contest
12/6/23 Brick by Brick
12/13/23 The Most Famous Bear in Town
12/20/23 Irish Class Flashbacks
12/27/23 Don't Rain on My Parade
1/3/24 What Happens in Ennis Stays in Ennis - Part I
1/10/24 What Happens in Ennis Stays in Ennis - Part II
1/17/24 April Fool’s Day, Again
1/24/24 Saint Patrick and the Typo
1/31/24 Bob is Ready for his Closeup
2/7/24 Oscar Arrives
2/14/24 Libraries can be Dangerous Places
2/21/24 Queen Linda
2/28/24 Tangled Tales and Tails
3/6/24 Motivation to Go Mobile
3/13/24 On the Road Again - Part One
3/20/24 On the Road Again - Part Two
3/27/24 New Art in the Library
4/3/24 The Not So Hard Life of a Library Cat
4/10/24 Code Blue
4/17/24 Overthinking It
4/24/24 The Mathematics of Cook Books
5/1/24 The Antiques Roadshow
5/8/24 An Ordinary Library Week
5/15/24 With a Little Help from My Friends
5/22/24 Money Games
5/29/24 Sunshine and Ice-cream
6/5/24 Bob’s 15 Minutes of Fame - Part One
6/12/24 Bob’s 15 Minutes of Fame - Part Two
6/19/24 Sweet Smells in the Air
6/26/24 Bolt from the Blue
7/10/24 The Human Library
7/17/24 Castle Bailey Autumn
7/24/24 The Storyteller and Bear - Part One
7/31/24 The Storyteller and Bear - Part Two
8/7/24 The Storyteller and Bear - Part Three
8/14/24 The Democratic Process
8/21/24 Spooky Stories
8/28/24 Kitty and her Pen-name
9/4/24 Murder, Glaciers, and Hot Springs - Part One
9/11/24 Murder, Glaciers, and Hot Springs - Part Two
9/18/24 Support your Local Author
9/25/24 The Elf is Out of the Box
10/2/24 Decking Halls and Hiding Blushes
10/9/24 Christmas Anxiety
10/16/24 Christmas with Three Families - Part One
10/23/24 Christmas with Three Families - Part Two