Decking Halls and Hiding Blushes
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I often yearn for more decorations and colour in the library but I regretted that this week. Equally, despite loving Kitty, I have been regretting my commitment to give her feedback on her raunchy debut novel. I should throw on an old Edith Piaf record and warble about regretting nothing, shouldn’t I?

Last week I managed to start decorating the library by putting up the Christmas wreath on the door, stringing little lights around the issue desk, and taking Elf out of his annual hibernation. The problem is that for the rest of the week I was really busy. Linda managed the Elf pranks and all I had to do was take the photos for our social media channels, but beyond that I hadn’t a moment to myself. I considered staying late some evening to do the decorations but between book club, trying to get...

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