You Can’t Always Get What You Want - Part Two
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Now where was I? Ah yes, Rolling Stones lyrics and a small girl who thought she could kidnap our Library Bear after Christmas Story Time. Beside her stood me and her rather wishy-washy Dad who had already begged her to release her death-grip on my favourite co-worker, Bob. Linda had taken position between us and the exit. Nobody was taking our bear.

It was time to remove her delusion that she would always get what she wanted.

I crouched down to her level. “Bob is a Library Bear. This is his home and he’s only happy if he lives in a place which is filled with books, especially books about bears and honey.”

This explanation usually works.

“I have Winnie the Pooh at home.” Her arms tightened around him in a rib-crushing fashion. If Bob had ribs.

The dad ben...

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