Commented on "Adrift":
   "Thank you so much :)"
    View Discussion.
6 years ago

Commented on "Adrift":
   "Thank you :)"
    View Discussion.
6 years ago

Commented on The Stone of Tantalus:
   "Hey there Clancy - Just wanted to shout out to you after reading your prologue... I love good imagery, words that put me in the scene and you've got that down! I love the idea of the percolator representing the idea of that which is random and repetitive (I think is how you phrased it...) Keep it coming :)"
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7 years ago

Commented on The Stone of Tantalus:
   "Hey there Clancy - Just wanted to shout out to you after reading your prologue... I love good imagery, words that put me in the scene and you've got that down! I love the idea of the percolator representing the idea of that which is random and repetitive (I think is how you phrased it...) Keep it coming :)"
    View Discussion.
7 years ago

Commented on 2016 Short Story Contest Finalists:
   "Really enjoyed "One-eyed Undertaker"! Awesome premise and I loved hearing Jacob's thoughts :) Great job!"
    View Discussion.
7 years ago

Commented on windows:
   "Oooh, reverie got me :) Love your rhythm and your imagery. Good stuff - you were made for this :)"
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7 years ago

Commented on "Adrift":
   "Thanks again! I can't tell you how motivating it is to hear that you like the series :) Always happy for constructive feedback too - so glad you are enjoying it :)"
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7 years ago

Commented on Vlad the Conqueror:
   "Hey David - Loving the story so far... Vlad seems like a dark dude who might have a soft side? Can't tell yet.... I'm two chapters in and I'm digging it a lot even though I am usually a wimp when it comes to horror - and especially vampires - as I think you probably read in "Adrift" haha! You have a real strength for bringing imagery of a scene alive and touching on all the senses - that's inspiring to me in my own work. Keep in touch!"
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7 years ago

Commented on Vlad the Conqueror:
   "Hey David - Loving the story so far... Vlad seems like a dark dude who might have a soft side? Can't tell yet.... I'm two chapters in and I'm digging it a lot even though I am usually a wimp when it comes to horror - and especially vampires - as I think you probably read in "Adrift" haha! You have a real strength for bringing imagery of a scene alive and touching on all the senses - that's inspiring to me in my own work. Keep in touch!"
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7 years ago

Commented on "Adrift":
   "Hey David - I'm loving your series as well - I'll head over there and comment next. Wanted to let you know I'd love any constructive feedback you have on any of my series - I like your style and I think you'd give great feedback! Also - thanks again for inspiring me to update "Astray" - first time I've done so since September - yikes! I just love this story, though, and the characters - so it's great to be back."
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7 years ago

Commented on "Adrift":
   "Wow, thanks David! That is such a wonderful thing to hear. I've been meaning to get back in board with the sequel - you've inspired me! Keep in touch!"
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7 years ago

Commented on "Adrift":
   "Hey THANKS!!! I haven't been updating book to as often as I should because it hasn't had any subscribers. I will get right on that! I will get a new chapter of this week :-) I think there are six up already :-) I really appreciate you taking the time to comment!"
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8 years ago

Commented on No Vacancy:
   "Just subscribed - you've got some really great sentences in these pages.... I'm a sucker for a beautiful sentence. Beautiful men are too hard to maintain. I'll stick with the sentences :)"
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8 years ago

Commented on "Adrift":
   "Second book is up and I'm getting a few chapters in a week - on a roll!"
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8 years ago