You can find more of Eliza's work via her website 

Eliza Leone was born in sunny Southern California where she spent most of her childhood playing video games and reading books. Growing up she was often found sneaking books under her covers and reading by flashlight when she was supposed to be sleeping. Most Friday nights she could be found with her mom stalking for new reads at their local bookstores and chatting over a cup of tea. However, it wasn't until a passionate English teacher assigned a short story based off of Ray Bradbury’s Something Wicked This Way Comes that she really began dabbling with writing.

These days you will most often find Eliza with a book in one hand, a draft of her own in the other, with her fluffy kitten by her side.  With the love and support of her family and her wonderful husband she has set out on an epic quest to complete her debut novel and finally see her dream in print. 

Name: Eliza Leone
Current Member: No
Location: Washington state
Joined Channillo: July 2015
Followers: 88   Following: 37
Twitter: @ElizaLeone3
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