Hello :)

I am a writer who can't go an hour without thinking, either about my current work in progress, or another story idea.

I also write under the pen name: Jennifer Rhae

I like to write romance and I like several genres: Contemporary Romance, Suspensful Romance, Paranormal, and Scifi.

I am currently writing a love/suspense story that I hope to get published with Harlequin very soon and am also working on a contemporary romance story for a small indie press.

It's always been my dream to be a published author and I thank everyone who favorites and subscribes to my stories on Channillo :)

My first series is called, "The White Wolf" a tale about a young girl who is stranded in an unfamiliar settlement during a blizzard. Being stranded would be enough of a problem, except for the fact that she's being stalked by a pack of wolves who aren't everything they first appear to be.

Name: Jennifer (Rhae) Laird
Current Member: No
Location: Michigan
Joined Channillo: August 2016
Followers: 32   Following: 40
Twitter: @LairdLady
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