2016 Channillo Award Winners

The Channillo Awards recognize a couple of the most loved series in each category. We are lucky to have so many talented writers! Winners are based on readers' favorites from the past year and are announced in mid-June. Congratulations to all the winners!

Best Adult Fiction Series

Winner: Everyday Adventures by Eliza Leone
Runner-up: And I Remembered by R. M. Lenzi

Best Crime Fiction Series

Winner: Super by Summer Kurtz
Runner-up (Tie): A Touch of Noir by L.M. Giannone
Runner-up (Tie): The Markus Doppler Thrillers by Peter Stankovic
Runner-up (Tie): LILY'S SECOND CHANCE by Melissa Vieira

Best Column

Winner (Tie): So, You're Thirty! by Maggie John
Winner (Tie): Feminist Flicker - Decoding Sexism In Movies by Sarah Myles

Best Essays Series

Winner: Obvious Secret Identity by Dan Fecht
Runner-up: Don't Forget to Write by Sarah Warman

Best Fantasy Series

Winner: Firewalkers by Taylor Eaton
Runner-up: Tales From Midhgardhur by Colin Brodd

Best Horror Series

Winner: The Let Downs by Jared Lemus
Runner-up: Chrysalis and Clan by Jae Mazer

Best Humor/Comedy Series

Winner: Uncharted by Bill McStowe
Runner-up: Musings of a Champagne Addict by Lisa Fox

Best Journal Entries Series

Winner: My Life as a 21 Year-Old Grandmother by Morgane Brun
Runner-up: Uncharted by Bill McStowe

Best Mystery/Thriller Series

Winner: Roscoe Hudson P.I. by Joe Tatman
Runner-up (Tie): What Happens When I Wake by Sarah Knipping
Runner-up (Tie): Sleepers by Clancy Weeks

Best Nonfiction Series

Winner: Musings of a Champagne Addict by Lisa Fox
Runner-up: Chronic Lyme - Misdiagnosed & Misunderstood by Sandra Robinson

Best Paranormal Series

Winner: Chrysalis and Clan by Jae Mazer
Runner-up (Tie): The Rememberer by Joe Austin
Runner-up (Tie): Lightning Strikes Twice by Jeff Stone
Runner-up (Tie): Arcamira by Hannah Sandoval

Best Poetry Series

Winner: Unorthodox Sympathy by Sophia Miller
Runner-up (Tie): Searching for Cereus by Kara Monterey
Runner-up (Tie): windows by Kay Gardner

Best Romance Series

Winner: Dear Keelen by Jessica Leigh
Runner-up: Welcome to Fate by Emma Reedin

Best Science Fiction Series

Winner: Lockheed Elite by Tyler Wandschneider
Runner-up: Iron Star by Janice Fosse

Best Short Stories Series

Winner: The Let Downs by Jared Lemus
Runner-up: Everyday Adventures by Eliza Leone

Best Young Adult Series

Winner: Bad Girls by Amanda Carney
Runner-up: With Teeth by Jessica Sneeringer