the robot & Roy: and the Big, Kosher, Dinner: Chapter One
By Brian Dykeman
12/29/17 1 | the Dæy ahead
12/29/17 11 | Precarious Positioning
12/29/17 111 | Dynamic Deliveries
12/29/17 1010 | Contaminant Convolution
1/4/18 010 | Squeaky Judgement
1/12/18 0101 | Hidden Egos
1/18/18 01011 | Precarious Propositions
1/25/18 010111 | Conversation Critical
2/1/18 1101 | Ridiculous Redundancy
2/5/18 101 | 'Officially' Noted
2/11/18 1011 | ' 'robot' Reason'
2/14/18 10111 | Glad-Gerry'hand'ering
2/22/18 101111 | Right, Right off
2/28/18 1011010 | Street Samples
3/8/18 101010 | Selective Interpreting
3/15/18 1010101 | Resounding Rackets
3/23/18 10101011 | Gussied Guises... ('Gussets' works too, kinda)
3/29/18 101010111 | Mr. Ohms
4/4/18 1011101 | ' 'robot' Rationale'
4/11/18 101101 | the ‘Atmosphere Test’ function on the Plasma setting of the welder
4/14/18 1011011 | Verification of ‘not’ Determining the Deficit
4/16/18 10110111 | 'Positive and-- Oh, I don't know, Negative Results'
4/22/18 101101111 | Genuinity
4/23/18 1011011010 | the Power of Affect… with Intent
4/24/18 101101010 | Not so… Simply Stated
4/25/18 1011010101 | ‘ ‘robot’ Genuinity’
4/26/18 10110101011 | 'Presently' running on, 'apparently'
5/3/18 101101010111 | Squeaky and Squeaky
5/10/18 1011011101 | Agitated Angling
5/17/18 101101101 | Measure of a Man/Machine
5/24/18 101101011 | Lubrication Preferences... 'all over the place this morning, what’s the deal?'
5/31/18 101101010111 | Spinalysis
6/7/18 101101101111 | Topsy Toyvy
6/14/18 1011011011010 | the Human Conception of What Would be Considered Time
6/21/18 101101101010 | ‘Danigan’s Brand™’-- Correction: ‘Donovan’s® Brand’: Hybrid-Dielectric Grease with White Lithium™… in a can
6/28/18 1011011010101 | the Security Deposit
7/5/18 10110110101011 | Timing... and Delivery
7/12/18 101101101010111 | Handedness
7/19/18 1011011011101 | ‘Educative Directives and Incentives’
7/26/18 101101101101 | Addended Addendums
8/2/18 1011011011011 | 'Lesson learned, by way of ‘Requested Example' by way of 'Cookie Cutter specifics' as an example.
8/9/18 101101101010111 | Lack of Corroborated Assertions
8/16/18 101101101101111 | 'Age Specific Educative Merit,’ As Concerns Pre-Prepubescents; If Not so Obvious.
8/20/18 1011011011011010 | Dictionary Asides
8/23/18 101101101101010 | Net Result
8/30/18 10110110110101011 | Freeform Associative Creativity
9/6/18 10110110110101011 | Absolute Carte Blanche
9/13/18 101101101101010111 | Performance Art of Antiquity
9/20/18 1011011011011101 | 'Duh-Dang, duh-Dang,'
9/27/18 101101101101101 | ‘ 'robot' Verse’
10/4/18 1011011011011011 | Mal(iciously)aligned Morphemes
10/11/18 10110110110110111 | Mindless Mired Counter [M(u)raudering] Measures
10/18/18 101101101101101111 | Eternal (Caustic Ball of) Flame
10/25/18 1011011011011011010 | Protean Delineation
11/1/18 101101101101101010 | Food for Formulative Failure
11/8/18 1011011011011010101 | Fixated Orbits
11/15/18 10110110110110101011 | Analog Advantage; Artfully Amended
11/22/18 101101101101101010111 | From the Fundament
11/29/18 1011011011011011101 1 | A Moment in 'the Human Conception of' Time: the Analytical Job Prioritization Queue
12/6/18 1011011011011011101 11 | A Moment in 'the Human Conception of' Time: Low Hang(up)ing Fruit -which shall remain nameless-
12/13/18 1011011011011011101 111 | A Moment in 'the Human Conception of' Time: the Forced Protean Process; Purposed for Proper Plating
12/20/18 101101101101101101 | Closing the Queue
12/27/18 1011011011011011011 | the Marlin
1/11/19 10110110110110110111 | Fun with Fallacies
1/19/19 101101101101101101111 | Merriment with Metaphors
1/24/19 1011011011011011011010 | Inundated Idioms
1/31/19 101101101101101101010 | Barley Buttered Bread
2/7/19 1011011011011011010101 | the Imaginary ‘Directly Concerned’ Game of ‘Secondary’ Games
2/16/19 10110110110110110101011 | Bearing with the Ultimate Boon
2/21/19 101101101101101101010111 | ' 'robot' Incontinence'
2/28/19 101101101101101101010111 | Affirmation for Clarification
3/7/19 101101101101101101101 | the Complete Declarative Statement
3/15/19 1011011011011011011011 | ‘a Ro(y)man Holiday,’ as Colored by Numb(ing)ers
3/21/19 10110110110110110110111 | Menacing Memories Amidst a Tide of Flooding Constipation
3/28/19 101101101101101101101111 | Hallowed Halls
4/4/19 1011011011011011011011010 | Clean Heat
7/30/19 101101101101101101101010 | ‘ ‘robot’ Nescience’
8/6/19 1011011011011011011010101 | Deceiving Body Juice
8/15/19 10110110110110110110101011 | Pass Line ‘ ‘robot’ fasciitis’
9/10/19 101101101101101101101010111 | Righting the Ship
9/17/19 1011011011011011011011101 | Semi-Soft Mettle | Over-Loaded Logic
12/31/19 101101101101101101101101 | Riding the Ship
2/7/20 1011011011011011011011011 | the ‘S.Y. Euthanasia’
3/31/20 10110110110110110110110111 | The Official | Unofficial Fact and Tally Sheet
10/8/20 101101101101101101101101111 1 | the… Root of the Head Tilt : the Seed
10/9/20 101101101101101101101101111 11 | the… Root of the Head Tilt : the Stem
10/10/20 101101101101101101101101111 11 | the… Root of the Head Tilt : the Sage | Sucker