1011011011011 | 'Lesson learned, by way of ‘Requested Example' by way of 'Cookie Cutter specifics' as an example.
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“All right,” Roy said, taking a moment to compose his thoughts, the robot uncharacteristically giving him a chance to do so, “How about my trying to say earlier –before being interrupted over appropriate word choice regarding the actions a dictionary does and doesn’t actually perform–  that even if your second addendum definition of ‘goofy’ is that which is based on ‘what feels weird,’ it certainly isn’t directly specific to handedness as it pertains to the utilization of the master for a task the slave is favored as an example. You just added that part to the addendum to prove you were right in the moment, to say- as a means to spite me and appear to always be correct or as a means to generate conflict.”

“And that’s a finer...

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