Single and fabulous, exclamation point.
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May 6th, 2016

Have you ever gone to the grocery store, list in hand, casually strolling through the aisles, filling your cart with your favorite foods, not a care in the world other than checking items off your list? Within a generous twenty minutes, you’re able to checkout. Make small chit chat with the clerk and with one tap of your debit card, you’re on your way to continue the rest of your day. Sounds reasonably normal, right? Well, this is no longer a reality for me but a distant, sweet fantasy.

Let me elaborate.

Monday morning my mother was franticly preparing for my sister’s arrival on Tuesday. She started vacuuming at 5:00am, bursting into my bedroom, mumbling over the roaring sound about bed linens needing to be changed and wondering out loud if she should hire a chimne...

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