Chapter Forty-One (1)
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Titus stretched his legs upwards towards the ceiling. For the briefest of moments, he forgot he wasn’t dreaming and expected to drift lethargically towards the roof like he would have if he was in the safety of his hidden sanctuary in the Dreamlands. When gravity pulled against his legs, he remembered that he wasn't asleep. 

He turned the book over on his lap. Uncle Phineas would throw a fit if he knew how he was treating the spine of Les Rites de Convoquant. It was possible Uncle knew he was reading it, given the amount of power pouring from the book into Titus’s room.

He rubbed his temple with one hand and then massaged the bridge of his nose. Trying to read ancient, cursed books was a killer on the brain. Titus didn't understand how others, like his uncle, could do it....

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