It's a flu, not a possession
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Being sick with a Tiny Monster in my care has been my biggest fear since hearing stories about others Mothers being sick whilst being unable to be ‘sick’.  And I was right to fear it.

Our family has been stricken with the flu. Not a cold, but the flu. It has been a fortnight of coughing and mucus and self-imposed death wishes. I was starting to wonder what the neighbours were thinking about all the coughing, especially the atrocious noises coming from Tiny Monster. Colds would never have caused the coughs that were being emitted from our house. At one point I thought MJ may have been possessed. I rang his Aunt, who used to be a Nun, and asked her what she thought of this. She said I was a strange girl and hung up. If she has heard the coughing she would have wished we were poss...

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