Actually not a failure...
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I don't know how, but I actually passed both of my main classes. I'm still 2 weeks behind in the maths class, except not really? I don't know. I have 3 chapters to catch up before 10/30, but that's only because that's all I can see right now. I hope to get caught up a few days ahead of schedule so that more assignments are visible. 

I'm not a failure, and yet, I feel like such a failure. And it's such a bad cycle to be caught in. The more I fail, the less I try - at everything. And of course, the less I try, the more I fail. 

The only good news I have right now is that I actually have the great majority of a workable plan for the idea I've been fermenting. It's a cozy mystery, so I need more than what I have, but it's something I can star...

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