Chapter 6 - Burning Grounds (1)
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Adorned with ashes, garlanded with snakes and human skulls.
Three-eyed Lord of the Triple-World.
Trident in one hand, in the other, blessing.
Embodiment of Gnosis, giver of Nirvana.
Everlasting; pure; flawless; amiable; benefactor of all that lives,
God of Gods.
—Mahanirvana Tantra  


Ishvari strode back to the dormitory after the evening meal, Archini trailing behind her like a lost sheep. Most of the other aspirants were already on their way down to the river to watch the sun set in a blaze of iridescent colors over the distant mountains, but she was eager to use this quiet time in the dormitory to study the fascinating new scroll Hariaksa had just lent her.

         She glanced worriedly ba...

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