Roman: The Unicorn who Kept the Peace (1)
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Damn that woman.

Roman grumbled to himself as he cantered through a dying field. He got pulled into the weirdest situations since he’d met Narissa and agreed to help her. Last time had been the ogre situation, and Roman had almost gotten himself killed. She couldn't just leave things the way that they were. It was natural for magical creatures to fight each other. Not all of them wanted to be tamed, like Narissa seemed to think. And Roman really didn't want to be put on this mission with her.

However, he did want an end to the faerie war, and so he had gotten himself involved. Stupidly.

Unicorns, as a general rule, were a peaceful lot. They didn't willingly get mixed up in the drama of the rest of the citizens of Aramond. After all, they were supposed to be the source of...

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