Chapter Seven: Ban Certain Plastics: Styrofoam, Plastic Straws, Plastic in Cigarettes and Single-Use Plastic Bags (2)
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Scientists are developing a suitable replacement for styrofoam. A company named Ecovative Design has created a line of products made from fungi and agricultural waste that are styrofoam-like and aspire to be a more environmentally friendly replacement.[10]
       Already, a number of independent restaurants and food service brands worldwide, such as Dunkin’ Donuts, have shown how compostable containers can be used as a practical alternative. Several years ago, coffee retailer Tully’s began serving its popular beverages in compostable cups.

New York City; Washington, D.C.; Seattle; San Francisco and many more municipalities have an-nounced that food service establishments, stores and manufacturers may not possess, sell, or offer for use single-service Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) foa...

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