Myth and Environment: The Ecology of Nature Spirits
By Ilil Arbel

Series Description:

A portal to the enchanting world of Nature Spirits, this book allows you a tantalizing glimpse into the fascinating lives of elusive mythological beings who may have been living side by side with us since the beginning of time. You may have heard about some of them, but many others will surprise you! Unlike any other book written about these mythical beings, it shows how closely they are connected to the natural world and its ecology and how they interact with or even represent the environment. In addition, it brings to light a world that had never been explored before – the world of Urban Nature Spirits, who are said to have migrated with us into cities since Biblical times. You will explore mythology, history, literature, and psychology as you are shown how to study, observe, and understand these beings – the core of the natural world in all its myriad manifestations.

Category/Genre(s): Paranormal, Nonfiction, Young Adult, Fantasy
Updated: Weekly
Status: Ongoing

Author Bio For Ilil Arbel:

Ilil Arbel's published work includes fiction (general, young adult, and mystery), nonfiction (health and wellness, natural history, biography), and business writing and training manuals (medical, dental, managed care). She specializes in mythology and folklore (the subject where she earned her Ph.D.). Ilil worked as an editor at Encyclopedia Mythica and regularly contributed articles. Her work is available on Amazon, BHC Publishing,, Encyclopedia Mythica/, and The Angela Thirkell Literary Society of North America’s website.


This book is dedicated to my granddaughter, Lilah Arbel, with many thanks for her generous and knowledgeable assistance and advice.


This book is accessible to a broad age range. It comprises a vast amount of information, but it is written in a clear, easy-to-understand language, and the material is presented in short segments that are easy to absorb. The book was initially written for a grown-up audience, but it can also be read by young adults, particularly if they have already read my other book on this site, the YA novel The Cinnabar Box, and wish to expand their knowledge of the subjects of mythology and environment.


Adler, Margaret. Drawing Down the Moon. Boston: Beacon Press. 1979.

Andersen, Hans Christian. The Complete Fairy Tales and Stories. New York: Anchor Press. Doubleday. 1974.

Arrosmith, N, and Moorse, George. A Field Guide to the Little People. New York: Pocket Books.

Baskin, Wade. The Sorcerer’s Handbook. New York: The Philosophical Library. 1974.

Bettelheim, Bruno. The Uses of Enchantment. New York: Vintage. 1989.

Borges, Jorge Luis. The Book of Imaginary Beings. New York: Avon Books. 1970.

Briggs, K. M. The Fairies in Tradition and Literature. London, Boston, and Henley: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1967.

Capra, Fritjoj. The Tao of Physics. New York: Bantam. 1977.

Cott, Jonathan, Editor. Beyond the Looking Glass. New York: The Stonehill Publishing Company. 1973.

Eliad, Mircea. Cosmos and History. New York: Harper and Row. 1954.

Frazer, James George. Folklore in the Old Testament. New York: Tudor Publishing Company. 1923.

-------------------------- The Golden  Bough. Unabridged edition, published on line by

Gardner, Gerald. Witchcraft  Today. New York: Magickal Childe Publishing, Inc. 1954.

Ginzberg, Louis. Legends of the Jews. Baltimore and London: The John Hopkins University Press. 1998

Graves, Robert. The White Goddess. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976.

Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Harper Encyclopedia of Mystical and Paranormal Experience. New Jersey: Castle Books. 1991.

Hamilton, Edith. Mythology. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1969.

Harpur, Patrick. Daimonic Reality: A Field Guide to the Otherworld. Middlesex, England: Penguin Books Ltd. 1994.

Heindel, M. Nature Spirits & Nature Forces. The Rosicrucian Fellowship.

Icelandic Folktales I: Ghosts, Witchcraft, and the Other World. Reykjavic: Icelandic Review Library. 1977.

Jayness, Julian. The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind. Boston: Houghton Miflin. 1976.

Kris, Maria. Witchcraft Past and Present. Los Angeles: Sherbourne Press. 1970.

Leach, Maria, and Fried, Jerome, Editors. The Standard Dictionary of Floklore, Mythology, and Legend. New York: Funk and Wagnalls. 1972.

Leacock, Seth and Ruth. Spirits of the Deep. New York: Doubleday Natural History Press for the American Museum of Natural History. 1972.

Leek, Sybil. The Complete Art of Witchcraft. New York: Signet. 1973.

Lehmann, Arthur C., and Myers, James E. Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion. New York: Mayfield Publishing Company. 1993.

LeShan, Lawrence. Alternate Realities. New York: Ballantine. 1976.

Luck, Georg. Arcana Mundi. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press. 1985.

Lindeman, Micha, Editor. Encyclopedia Mythica.

Macalister, R.A. Stewart. The Philistines, Their History and Civilization; The Schweich Lectures. Chicago: Argonaut Publishers. 1911.

Mathews, John. A Celtic Reader. Northhampton: Thorsons Publishing Group. 1991.

Metzger, Bruce, and Coogan, Michael D., Editors. The Oxford Companion to the Bible. New York: Oxford University Press. 1993

Michelet, Jules. Satanism and Witchcraft. New York: The Citadel Press. 1971.

Moory, P.R.S.. Ur of the Chaldees, a Revised and Updated Edition of Sir Leonard Woolley’s Excavations at Ur. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 1982.

Mumford, Lewis. The City in History; It’s Origins, It’s Transformations, and It’s Prospects. New York: MJF Books. 1961.

New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology. Middlesex, England: Hamlyn House. 1973.

Pagels, Heinz. R.. The Cosmic Code. New York: Bantam. 1982.

Pourrat, Henrey (Selected by C.G. Bjurstrom). French Folktales. New York: Pantheon Books. 1989.

Ransom, Arthur. Old Peter’s Russian Tales. Middlesex, England: Puffin Books. 1979.

Roberts, Jane. Seth Speaks. New York: Bantam. 1972.

----------------- The Nature of Personal reality. New York: Bantam. 1975.

-----------------The Nature of the Psyche. New York: Bantam. 1979.

Scholem, Gershom. Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism. London: Thames and Hudson. 1955.

Schultes, Richard Evans, and Hofmann, Albers. Plants of the Gods – Origins of Hallucinogenic Use. New York: Alfred Van Der Mark Editions. 1979.

Schwartz, Howard. Lilith’s Cave. Oxford and New York: Oxfore University Press. 1988.

Shepard, Odell. The Lore of the Unicorn. New York: Harper and Row Publishers. 1979

Skinner, Charles M. Myth and Legends of Flowers, Trees, Fruits, and Plants. Philadelphia and London: J.B. Lippincott Company. 1911.

Spence, Lewis. Egypt, the Myth and Legend Series. London: Senate, and Imprint of Studio Editions. 1994.

Summers, Montague. The History of Witchcraft. New York: Barnes & Noble. 1993.

The Enchanted World Series. Chicago: Time Life Books. 1985.

Series Description:

A portal to the enchanting world of Nature Spirits, this book allows you a tantalizing glimpse into the fascinating lives of elusive mythological beings who may have been living side by side with us since the beginning of time. You may have heard about some of them, but many others will surprise you! Unlike any other book written about these mythical beings, it shows how closely they are connected to the natural world and its ecology and how they interact with or even represent the environment. In addition, it brings to light a world that had never been explored before – the world of Urban Nature Spirits, who are said to have migrated with us into cities since Biblical times. You will explore mythology, history, literature, and psychology as you are shown how to study, observe, and understand these beings – the core of the natural world in all its myriad manifestations.

Category/Genre(s): Paranormal, Nonfiction, Young Adult, Fantasy
Updated: Weekly
Status: Ongoing

Author Bio For Ilil Arbel:

Ilil Arbel's published work includes fiction (general, young adult, and mystery), nonfiction (health and wellness, natural history, biography), and business writing and training manuals (medical, dental, managed care). She specializes in mythology and folklore (the subject where she earned her Ph.D.). Ilil worked as an editor at Encyclopedia Mythica and regularly contributed articles. Her work is available on Amazon, BHC Publishing,, Encyclopedia Mythica/, and The Angela Thirkell Literary Society of North America’s website.


This book is dedicated to my granddaughter, Lilah Arbel, with many thanks for her generous and knowledgeable assistance and advice.


This book is accessible to a broad age range. It comprises a vast amount of information, but it is written in a clear, easy-to-understand language, and the material is presented in short segments that are easy to absorb. The book was initially written for a grown-up audience, but it can also be read by young adults, particularly if they have already read my other book on this site, the YA novel The Cinnabar Box, and wish to expand their knowledge of the subjects of mythology and environment.


Adler, Margaret. Drawing Down the Moon. Boston: Beacon Press. 1979.

Andersen, Hans Christian. The Complete Fairy Tales and Stories. New York: Anchor Press. Doubleday. 1974.

Arrosmith, N, and Moorse, George. A Field Guide to the Little People. New York: Pocket Books.

Baskin, Wade. The Sorcerer’s Handbook. New York: The Philosophical Library. 1974.

Bettelheim, Bruno. The Uses of Enchantment. New York: Vintage. 1989.

Borges, Jorge Luis. The Book of Imaginary Beings. New York: Avon Books. 1970.

Briggs, K. M. The Fairies in Tradition and Literature. London, Boston, and Henley: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1967.

Capra, Fritjoj. The Tao of Physics. New York: Bantam. 1977.

Cott, Jonathan, Editor. Beyond the Looking Glass. New York: The Stonehill Publishing Company. 1973.

Eliad, Mircea. Cosmos and History. New York: Harper and Row. 1954.

Frazer, James George. Folklore in the Old Testament. New York: Tudor Publishing Company. 1923.

-------------------------- The Golden  Bough. Unabridged edition, published on line by

Gardner, Gerald. Witchcraft  Today. New York: Magickal Childe Publishing, Inc. 1954.

Ginzberg, Louis. Legends of the Jews. Baltimore and London: The John Hopkins University Press. 1998

Graves, Robert. The White Goddess. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976.

Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Harper Encyclopedia of Mystical and Paranormal Experience. New Jersey: Castle Books. 1991.

Hamilton, Edith. Mythology. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1969.

Harpur, Patrick. Daimonic Reality: A Field Guide to the Otherworld. Middlesex, England: Penguin Books Ltd. 1994.

Heindel, M. Nature Spirits & Nature Forces. The Rosicrucian Fellowship.

Icelandic Folktales I: Ghosts, Witchcraft, and the Other World. Reykjavic: Icelandic Review Library. 1977.

Jayness, Julian. The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind. Boston: Houghton Miflin. 1976.

Kris, Maria. Witchcraft Past and Present. Los Angeles: Sherbourne Press. 1970.

Leach, Maria, and Fried, Jerome, Editors. The Standard Dictionary of Floklore, Mythology, and Legend. New York: Funk and Wagnalls. 1972.

Leacock, Seth and Ruth. Spirits of the Deep. New York: Doubleday Natural History Press for the American Museum of Natural History. 1972.

Leek, Sybil. The Complete Art of Witchcraft. New York: Signet. 1973.

Lehmann, Arthur C., and Myers, James E. Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion. New York: Mayfield Publishing Company. 1993.

LeShan, Lawrence. Alternate Realities. New York: Ballantine. 1976.

Luck, Georg. Arcana Mundi. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press. 1985.

Lindeman, Micha, Editor. Encyclopedia Mythica.

Macalister, R.A. Stewart. The Philistines, Their History and Civilization; The Schweich Lectures. Chicago: Argonaut Publishers. 1911.

Mathews, John. A Celtic Reader. Northhampton: Thorsons Publishing Group. 1991.

Metzger, Bruce, and Coogan, Michael D., Editors. The Oxford Companion to the Bible. New York: Oxford University Press. 1993

Michelet, Jules. Satanism and Witchcraft. New York: The Citadel Press. 1971.

Moory, P.R.S.. Ur of the Chaldees, a Revised and Updated Edition of Sir Leonard Woolley’s Excavations at Ur. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 1982.

Mumford, Lewis. The City in History; It’s Origins, It’s Transformations, and It’s Prospects. New York: MJF Books. 1961.

New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology. Middlesex, England: Hamlyn House. 1973.

Pagels, Heinz. R.. The Cosmic Code. New York: Bantam. 1982.

Pourrat, Henrey (Selected by C.G. Bjurstrom). French Folktales. New York: Pantheon Books. 1989.

Ransom, Arthur. Old Peter’s Russian Tales. Middlesex, England: Puffin Books. 1979.

Roberts, Jane. Seth Speaks. New York: Bantam. 1972.

----------------- The Nature of Personal reality. New York: Bantam. 1975.

-----------------The Nature of the Psyche. New York: Bantam. 1979.

Scholem, Gershom. Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism. London: Thames and Hudson. 1955.

Schultes, Richard Evans, and Hofmann, Albers. Plants of the Gods – Origins of Hallucinogenic Use. New York: Alfred Van Der Mark Editions. 1979.

Schwartz, Howard. Lilith’s Cave. Oxford and New York: Oxfore University Press. 1988.

Shepard, Odell. The Lore of the Unicorn. New York: Harper and Row Publishers. 1979

Skinner, Charles M. Myth and Legends of Flowers, Trees, Fruits, and Plants. Philadelphia and London: J.B. Lippincott Company. 1911.

Spence, Lewis. Egypt, the Myth and Legend Series. London: Senate, and Imprint of Studio Editions. 1994.

Summers, Montague. The History of Witchcraft. New York: Barnes & Noble. 1993.

The Enchanted World Series. Chicago: Time Life Books. 1985.