Miracles And Misfortunes: The Reading Chapter 2 (3)
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“What does that mean, Rhianna?”

“There is powerful energy here. I felt it the last time I saw Marcus. Then, it was negative—evil, even. The cards knew it and did not want to share their secrets. Now, it seems that we are having the reading taken out of our hands.”

“So how do we fix it?” Tim asked, alarmed.

“You fix nothing,” she said, sharply. “This is how the cards wish to be read.”

She took both cards and placed them side-by-side to the right of the already crossed pair. Tim examined the two cards and listened as Rhianna explained their meaning.

“The fourth card represents the questioner’s distant past foundation. It shows those events that occurred long ago that are influencing the present. It is the basis...

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