Chapter Three: Secrets, Scrolls, and Doors (1)
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There was no way I could sleep that dark. I was scared to close my eyes, scared even to lie down. I sat at the head of my bed with my knees tucked against my chest and stared at the door. From the outer walkway that joined our house to the tunnel came the soft, pacing thumps of patrols’ footsteps. I kept expecting the footsteps to stop in front of our house, to be followed by pounding on our door and harsh voices that demanded Nathaniel’s blood.

I loved my father, and he loved me. He would never hand me over to the King. He just couldn’t. But I knew the truth.

I wasn’t the only person at risk. If the King found out that Father knew I’d listened to a story but hadn’t turned me in, Father would be punished too. Then, what would become of Moth...

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