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11 Books: The Foundation of Salvation

Time is short. This manuscript is to be the bare essentials of what is needed to help to true seeker, who is short on time now, get what he/she needs from the bible to turn their back on the world and show their love for YHWH by following his commandments. 

This book is NOT a bible but a handbook written using Hebrew and Aramaic translations of the bible to give the best understanding that we have found concerning 11 books in the bible. These 11 books are the "Law and the Testimony", critical for teaching what YHWH requires of us, his law, creating timestamps so that we can know where we are in the history of this world, teaching us, by the perfect living example of Emmanu'el,and showing us how to read current events to show us how close we are to the return of the true king and the abolishment of sin. 

It seems that many people have not read the bible even onetime through and prefer to let others tell them what it says. We have not tackled the project of reading the bible from cover to cover. We never learned how to look at the book for what it is, a history of the promise of salvation and an instruction manual for the pilgrim. 

So, back to time is short. This is not a bible, it does not deal with every book of the known bible. This is a handbook, broken into seven volumes, dealing with 11 key books of the bible, with questions and comments at the end of each individual chapter: 

Books One - Five: The Law (Torah), Lessons 1-37 

The first five books of the bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,Numbers, Deuteronomy.These 5 books set the first time-stamp and introduce us to the law of YHWH. Not only do they tell us what to do but they give us examples, in the lives of men, of what happens when we follow the law and what happens when we don't follow the law. 

Book Six: The Testimony (The Gospel of the Messiah),Lessons 38-55 

The first four books of the continued Testament: Matthew,Mark, Luke and Yochanan. These 4 books are the history of the life of Yeshua, our messiah,our savior. In the gospel we not only see the fulfillment of the promise set forth in the foundation testament (OT), but we are taught, by the Holy Son himself, how we can be saved and live a holy life by following his example. These books show his life from birth to death and how he was able to walk this world as a man, a pilgrim and vagabond with no earthly possessions or status and live a blameless, sinless life... not by using his divine power but drawing ONLY on the power of our Almighty Father,using constant prayer and quoting OT scripture to battle against temptation and sin. His death on the cross fixed it so that we too, though with sin, can draw on the power of the Almighty Father as well by doing what Emmanu'el did, pray and use the words of scripture against the powers of darkness when we are tempted to sin. 

Book Seven: The Prophecies of Time: (The Prophetic Books of Dani'el and Revelations), Lessons 56-64 Dani'el:

The book of Dani'el is major in providing time stamps that show a historical timeline of events that reaches generations into the future. This book is crucial when it comes to giving a historical dating system that helps us to know what times have already passed and what time in prophetical history we are living in right now. It also points, in years, to the first advent of the Blessed Savior upon this earth and where we go from there. 

The Revelations of Yeshua to Yochanan: (Revelations)This is one of the least taught books of the bible but it IS the book of the bible that tells the pilgrim what to watch for, what to expect and how to escape the world with their lives. It is abook that can only be explained by the Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit or holy breath of YHWH) and only the true seeker will understand without fear. This book is a prophetic book of the last moments of the life of this planet in its sin filled state and the promise of what it will be: The new Eden home for the righteous and the home of YHWH and Emmanu'el themselves! 

These 7 volumes, covering the above mentioned 11 books, are set up chapter by chapter, with introductions to each chapter at the beginning and questions, notes and activities at the end to test what you have learned. This is the very least of what the newly awakened pilgrim needs to understand that this history,but it is the foundation of everything you need to know to repent, turn around and do what is right in the eyes of the most loving father, and make it to the home of love that has been prepared for us. 

The Promise is not a fairy tale but very, very real! It's time to come out of the matrix of lies of the satan and run to the truth! It is time to exercise the one thing given to us,the power of choice, for as it is written, "Choose this day who you will serve..." 

Okay, time to get to it! Here are the last few notes to help you with this study:  There are 64 lessons, total, in the series. Each lesson has 1-6 chapters in it with an area for you to make your own notes at the end of the lesson. This will make it easy for you to complete 1 lesson plan per week with time to meditate and do further research on what you are learning as you are so inspired to do by the Ruach haKodesh (Holy Spirit).

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