Elwin's Banishment: Part Twenty Four (1)
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"Did you ever imagine your life would end up like this, Vanima?"

She chuckled, let out a breath, and replied, "Did I dream about running away from home to spend the rest of my life with the one I loved? Yes, just didn't expect it to be with you transformed into a wolf."

Silence swallowed up the space before Elwin asked, "Do you still miss him?"

Vanima slapped her tail into Elwin's side and said, "Of course I do, and I wouldn't expect any less of you concerning Fraeya. More so when you had to walk away from her, again."

He wrapped his tail around her own and asked, "Still interested in bolstering our ranks?"

She leaned in and nibbled on his ear. "So eager to get started?"

Nevarth laughed in amusement and said...

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