BLACK DOOR Episode 27: The Last Episode After Christmas
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Previously, in BLACK DOOR: Ratchik has awakened the sleeping man

"Desperate measures!" After the Krampus shoved him aside and leaped back to the loft, Santa plunged a mittened hand into his coat and yanked out … a hoverboard.

"What are you gonna do with that?" Garrett asked, squinting through eyes watering from smoke. He could have asked where the thing had come from, but he was beyond surprises.

"If I can't hold him, I'll blow him to smithereens!" Santa heaved the hoverboard after the Krampus, who was yelling at someone in the upstairs room. "Fire in the hole!" he yelled throughout the burning building.

Garrett saw the hoverboard smoke, explode--

Then it was gone. Santa was gone. Th...

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