Is That Syrup on the Doorknob?
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It was March 2017 and my son was becoming much more active, which of course meant more bumps and bruises. The little guy was really starting to master the art of falling again and again. But, he was determined to take control of his two left feet and journey across the living room without belly-flopping. All I could do was sit back and admire his tenacity. But not too far back, as I would have to be ready to jump to my feet to provide a kiss on his latest “boo-boo.”

Life was changing for me as well, as more and more of my time was spent chasing the tiny human bumper car. There was less time for me to relax and watch him make the little discoveries. Oh no, my tumbling toddler was on to bigger findings. And his revelations led me to make some more of my own conclusions about parenthoo...

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