prologue: new year's day
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The sun is making its way to its station at the same pace as the walker who peers at it from time to time- for they both have tasks to meet, assigned times to Be at a Place- only one of them is allowed to be a little late (and she just might be, but it’s okay).

One could say that it is still dark.

But another would say that radiance is obviously inevitable; the evidence is right there.

Her steps are careful yet certain, for the frost is here. But she knows this path like the back of her hand.

The only real challenge is the ominously dark staircase (are they wet? Is it icy...or something else?), the steps leading up to the pathway that will take her down again, underground

in transit towards

the day ahead.

New beginnings every day.

But this day is New Year’s Day.

The three hundred and sixty-five days before contained risings, falls, maddening stagnancy.

She sits patiently- content with the Knowing of how she has equipped herself with lessons learned, for the year, new.

Next: .50 [optimist club]

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