Monty Vern is a creator of written stuff - an aspiring writer, shameless illustrator, and fallible editor. 

Monty was born out of the brain of a work-in-progress human that has just recently discovered a passion for writing and illustrating. Monty's human grew up in Vermont, USA and currently resides in Shanghai, China.

Thirteen Words, Monty's debut as a writer/illustrator, is a collection of illustrated 13-word poems published in September 2020.

Monty is currently working on a series of illustrated very short stories inspired by the #vss365 writing prompt on Twitter, called Monty's Very Short Shorts.



Name: Monty Vern
Current Member: No
Location: Shanghai
Joined Channillo: September 2020
Channillo Series: Monty’s Very Short Shorts
Followers: 13   Following: 9
Twitter: @MontyVern
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