Who am I? Who are you?
By Ray Noble

liberonova      7/11/20 9:15 AM

I am excited about this series. It is about a history of the world's inhabitants and poses questions instead of giving mere answers. Am I right? By posing questions and unveiling and unraveling ... we can get to know the world that is present. When I finished it, I hope to continue with your next series to come.
Raymond Noble      7/11/20 9:23 AM
Thank you for your lovely comment. Yes, the series is a journey of discovery about who (and what?) we are. It is an anecdote to the current gene-centric view of life and humanity. We are not our genes. What makes us are our experiences through our lives and from generation to generation. I am also now planning a new series exploring intelligence. Thank you again for reading and for your comment. Best wishes, Ray.

Bill McStowe      4/24/16 1:39 PM

Thank you, Ray. I enjoyed the series and I learned a few things along the way.
Ray Noble      5/18/16 1:51 PM
Thank you Bill. I'm thinking of a new series to follow.