Time&Chance (86)
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Arrin’s eyes widened at being addressed so boldly by such a small woman, and Tom couldn’t help grinning over both Sophie’s chutzpah and Arrin’s reaction, but when Arrin happened to glance at him, Tom pretended to cough and covered his grin. Arrin knew he’d been grinning though, and so also knew he wouldn’t have any help from Tom over the wheelchair. He grimaced and took a seat in the wheelchair.

Sophie pushed Arrin down the hall with Tom walking beside the chair, his amusement over Arrin’s obvious discomfort plain in his broad grin he no longer bothered to hide.

As soon as they were outside the hospital, however, Arrin came to his feet. “I’ll walk from here.”

“I’m supposed to take you all the way to your vehicle,” Sophie sai...

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