Time&Chance (75)
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“First I tried to talk sense into him, which wasn’t working," Jay said. "He kept calling me a liar, among other rude things. So I tried admitting blame for what I did to him on Nephron. I had to apologize several times before he accepted I was in earnest and wasn’t trying to manipulate him. Then all I had to do was explain the situation.”
Tom gripped Jay’s shoulder lightly. “It took a big man to do what you did. Thank you.”
Jay shook his head. “I’m not a big man. I’m a coward. I knew from the start I needed to apologize to Arrin for what I’d done to him on Nephron, but pride made me stubborn. The Lord has been convicting me ever since the very first day Arrin and I were reunited, but I’ve refused to listen until no...
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