Time&Chance (74)
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“Calm down, Arrin,” Tom said. “Dr. Finch is only trying to discover the reason for your high fever.”
Tom nodded at the doctor to try again, but when the doctor did, Arrin shoved him away and shouted the same unintelligible words, except this time he sounded even more angry.
Dr. Finch sighed in exasperation. “I must be able to examine him if I’m to determine the cause of his illness.”
“If we only knew what he was saying, we could reason with him,” Tom said.
“Jay speaks Arrin’s native language,” Seamus said.
“Yes, but Arrin hates Jay. The sight of him might upset him even more.”
“Or it might help by telling us what Arrin’s so upset about,” Seamus said.
As they t...
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