Love me a myth!
By Fran Boschet

      8/24/23 9:21 PM

I love all of these stories ...they have definitely given shape to the unseen imagination that seems to distract me as I meander through life as a blind and deaf person by choice ...because most people's lives are pretty busy and full of drama of their own but thanks to these stories I can focus on something besides reality as fake as it is thank you I am excited to reread all these stories !
Fran Boschet      8/25/23 4:06 AM
You're very welcome. I'm glad you enjoy my little stories and the research that accompanies them.

      8/24/23 5:05 PM

I love all of these stories ...they have definitely given shape to the unseen imagination that seems to distract me as I meander through life as a blind and deaf person by choice ...because most people's lives are pretty busy and full of drama of their own but thanks to these stories I can focus on something besides reality as fake as it is thank you I am excited to reread all these stories !