I was a park ranger who manned a fire tower. It had some strange rules. (1)
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When I first got the job I couldn’t believe my luck. I was a very solitary person. I loved to read and be alone. When I saw an ad for a park ranger manning a fire tower I just about jumped out of my skin. Working overnight at a Walmart wasn’t exactly the best job in the world. There are some stories I could tell about that as well. But I applied for the job and was ecstatic that I got it.

They made me do a week of training before my first shift. Most of it was dry reading and making sure I was qualified in CPR. They showed me the ins and outs of the job and then finally I followed in my car as we drove to the tower.

In the middle of the day, it was very impressive to stare up at the underside of the tower looming above me suspended high in the air by the met...

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