Adult Fiction
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Completed Series

Completed Series


COLORS, by Celaine Charles

We live in a colorful world, one that speaks if we listen.

This collection of poetry captures the shades and tints of color I find in my walk along life. The world shines in hues of sorrow, fear, joy, and victory. It’s quiet and thoughtful, though has the potential to scream at the top of its lungs. The world is full of color, even when it appears colorless. And, there is always chroma within the softest of hues.

My wish is to inspire a color in readers with each poem read. Not everyone experiences color the same, but perhaps they will revitalize by taking a moment to perceive what emotions are felt...when noticing them more deeply.

For six months, I published two poems each week, Mondays and Fridays. One to start the week, and one to finish. All proceeds from this series are donated through Channillo Charities to “Mary’s Place,” a Seattle-based organization helping children and families facing homelessness.

I welcome your thoughts in the comments along this journey. My hope is to polish this collection for publication in the end.Your encouragement and critique will pave that roadway, helping me leave a legacy of color to the world in gratitude of its muse.

*Thank you for your support and encouragement, as I was able to publish a collection including 31 of my Channillo poems (along with a few new ones) into a pictureque book, Colors Collected, Poetry Inspired by the Hues of Life. It's available on Amazon, and I couldn't feel more honored and proud. Thank you Channillo!

Feeding the Kraken! A Children Recipe Series!

The Kraken is a legendary giant sea monster. For parents, the Kraken is the hungry child which demands to be fed immediately or else the world will end!

This book is for the frustrated mother and father who is trying their best but doesn’t have the energy to think of new, innovative things to feed their children! A crowd sourced mind is supposed to work better than one so this book was a Kickstarter campaign in which we gathered not only recipes, but also advice for parents.

Featuring children friendly recipes for breakfast, lunch/dinner and extraordinary circumstances (when things are not going so well), there are lots of yummy options to choose from!

Titus Fogg

Titus Fogg hates magic, and with good reason. Born into a murderous family of cruel and powerful casters in modern Massachusetts, magic has contributed to every bad thing that has happened to him since birth. After finally managing to banish the most likely evil (but definitely dirty-minded) entity called Shade from his body to the sidelines as his shadow, Titus has the chance to have a normal, magic free, high school life. But, when Tess Roe, his classmate, neighbor and model of justice at their school realizes she can see the creatures Titus calls the Wyrd too, Titus must return to the world of the strange to help her. Soon Titus's dark past comes to light as he must prove that he isn't responsible for the death of one of Tess's friends, and the theft of a magical book that could lead to the destruction of Arkham.

I Wrote You This Poem

As we pass through one another's lives online – with our words, our images, our carefully crafted self portraits of ourselves – it is easy to feel that even as our followers increase, the number of people who truly know us radically decreases.

In this series, I attempt to delve deeper into those brief glimpses at the lives of strangers, inspired only by their online communications: their websites, social media accounts, and connections they make with me, however briefly.

By taking on this role of researcher, interpreter, biographer, I hope to be able to say to these people I meet, “Now we're not strangers anymore.”

Tweet an evocative phrase to me @IfItFeelsWrite and you could very well become the subject of my next poem!

Feminist Flicker - Decoding Sexism In Movies

Have you ever watched a movie and wondered why it left you with a feeling of dissatisfaction so subtle that you couldn't quite put your finger on it? Have you ever wondered how to tell if you're watching a movie through the male gaze? Then look no further. Feminist Flicker is here to shine a light on those shadiest of cinematic corners.

It is an unfortunate, but inescapable truth that sexism in society is supported and promoted by sexism in the media - especially movies. Indeed, even the most beloved of films can sometimes be unmasked as a hive of insidious white patriarchal messages. 

But fret not, dear reader. Just as Morpheus revealed the nature of the Matrix to Neo, so Feminist Flicker is on hand to expose the truth to you - by decoding sexism in movies, one film at a time.

Searching For Cereus

“I dream of lost vocabularies that might express some of what we no longer can.” -Jack Gilbert


The world can be funny or terrifying depending on your outlook. Join our hero as he navigates the daily grind, experiencing life so you don't have to.

you are a place where light longs to be

"you are a place where light longs to be

and it seeks you out no matter your doubt

and maybe you are not the sun

and it's okay

no one faults the moon for being exactly what it is..."

a collection of poems about losing and finding, about navigating anxiety, about learning to live in the light

A Touch of Noir

A Touch of Noir is a collection of short stories written in "noir" style, featuring immoral, desperate, and sinister characters set in the foggy, shadowy and hilly landscape of post-WWII San Francisco, as well as Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Manhattan, and Chicago.  The stories are primarily told in first person, using language typical of 1940s-1960s.

**Update: A Touch of Noir was released in paperback and ebook format on Amazon (+Kindle), Barnes and Noble (+Nook), iBooks, Kobo and Googleplay. Six new tales not available on Channillo are available in this version.


 Whether we await good news, or expect to be disappointed, our character is revealed through our actions while we are being forced to wait. Join me on this journey of self-discovery and the exploration of the human condition. In between the big moments, nestled in the pauses and the quiet, lives the chaos where our lives are truly being lived.

Silent Spaces

A selection of speculative short stories on life, death, and change. 


1. Dig - A conversation between a gravedigger and a strange visitor to the cemetery. (April 30, 2019)

2. Wildmoore - An intellectual physician confronts memories of the past when he attempts to cure a young heiress who has come down with a mysterious illness. (May 31, 2019)

3. Letters - After the death of her mother, Eliza discovers more than junk when cleaning out the attic. (June 30, 2019)

4. Small Magic - Bee's grandmother feels a change in the wind. Soon, Bee does, too. (August 31, 2019)

The Blossom of the Soul

The year is 1615. In a Benedictine convent in Northern France a woman named Mary Seton, who was once lady-in-waiting to Mary, Queen of Scots is nearing the end of her life. 

She wants to tell you her story. 



poems that offer glimpses into lives, into minds and hearts, into moments

picture walking down the road and glancing into windows, or driving and glancing out, each look offering a snapshot of the scene you've seen

might be good, might be bad, might be nonsense.. but it will be something

Sera Storme

Eight years ago, Sera Storme was forced to give up her baby daughter, Lani, for safekeeping. On the run from the Trillium criminal organization, she became a bounty hunter and mercenary for hire, taking jobs where she could, staying low-key. 

On her most dangerous assignment yet, she and Lani are reunited. Sera Storme is a hotheaded bounty hunter, a crack shot and a master of unarmed combat. Being a mother was not something she was prepared for. 

Now Sera must track down and defeat Xane Mori, a dangerous psychic from Mars, in the Sol system, while keeping eight-year-old Lani safe from the Trillium soldiers hunting them. Her only ally is the icy Sabian Delain. Sera’s mission will force her to confront her past, and to find a way to forge a bond with the daughter she left behind.

Hamster Stew and Other Stories

Hamster Stew is a diary-style comedy serial about the adventures of an Irish mom, Trish McTaggart, struggling with her teenage son, a scary ten year old daughter, and an out of control life which lurches from disaster to chaos. All she wants is a part-time job, more passion with her Scottish husband, and a hands-off mother-in-law but life, and her daughter, are conspiring against her dreams.

Perhaps the lessons her friend is giving her in "how to say no" will help?

Ghosts of Eagle Valley

Ask anyone in Eagle Valley, Virginia, and they’ll be happy to tell you the history of their little town. After all, it’s a fascinating story. Way back in the 1700s, some of the town’s bravest young men marched off to fight in the Revolutionary War. Later, Eagle Valley’s mill brought the American Dream right to their doorsteps. During the Civil War, families were split between staying loyal to Virginia or re-joining the Union. Even as recently as World War II, Eagle Valley locals fought for victory half a world away. The town of Eagle Valley is proud of its long history, and even more proud of the ancestors that built their town.

Of course, if you ask the ghosts that still haunt Eagle Valley’s streets, you just might hear another side of the story. In this four-story collection, the ghosts of Eagle Valley set the record straight. Every town has its secrets, and these skeletons are ready to come out of their closets.

Ghosts of Eagle Valley is the companion short story collection to Ellen Smith’s debut novel, Reluctant Cassandra. Available only on Channillo for Charity, proceeds from Ghosts of Eagle Valley will benefit the Alzheimer’s Association. 

Death at Delphi

Whose bones lie in Caroline’s grave?

A mysterious drowning. A dead person seen alive. A secret society reviving ancient rites. Rumours of smuggling, espionage and betrayal.

When a handsome stranger asks Jayne for help, her quest takes her to Greece where a web of lies, intrigue, and jealousy is soon laid bare. 

But how can Jayne unravel the intrigue of her friend’s death, when no one will believe her? 

And where is Caroline now?

Unorthodox Sympathy

"You fill your eyes to their laurel brims

With the beauty that seeps from the cracks

Of the world, broken

Like shattered pottery."

Minute portraits of ordinary life - mere moments in time - that concentrate on the notion that broken things are beautiful.

Winner of the 2016 Channillo Award for Best Poetry Series

Runner-Up of the 2017 Channillo Award for Best Poetry Series

trees like paintbrushes

trees like paintbrushes
dipped in yellow, red, orange
left on end to dry


this collection celebrates nature, in every aspect.. come see the world with me..


*cover painted by kathie nooms saxby, inspired by my haiku, above.. which then inspired this collection

Life With Poetry

The Life With Poetry series follows themes of everyday living and converts them into poetry delights. 

The Cinnabar Box

A tiny Cinnabar box contains the key to the water supply of an entire planet. The planet's ecology depends on a great river that periodically overflows. Only the key's rightful owner can restore the water supply, which has been hidden for centuries. The task needs a trained army – but for now, it is in the hands of fifteen-year-old Donna, who has just learned a shocking secret about herself. Donna must survive in an alien reality where magic is commonplace and where she meets dangerous beings she previously considered the subjects of fairy tales. A nightmarish trip to the terrifying Wizard Island, a ghost town that imprisons visitors in its empty houses, and encounters with an evil renegade vizier determined to keep the planet a desert are just a few of her adventures. Donna is no superhero, but she relies on her wits and resourcefulness, knowing that first, she must save her kidnapped aunt, whatever it takes. Second, she must never, ever break the Wicca Code!


On the day the riders came to town, they kidnapped Kella and brought her to Lord Perrin’s keep. To win her freedom, she must cure Perrin’s son from the magic poisoning his blood. Where Kella is from, it is dangerous if people find out that you are a magic-user. That’s why she and her mother had never settled in one spot for long—as soon as rumors started circulating about her abilities, she had to disappear fast. She never learned how to properly use her gifts. But at Perrin's keep she meets Taroy, who is tasked with guarding against her escape. He wants to protect her and keep her safe, but Kella is on her own when it comes to the magic that must be worked. In a race against time, Kella begins her journey to master the magic within and save Perrin's son—despite her fear that she is just not good enough to perform such complicated magic. Untested is a fantasy story for young adults that follows a young woman's journey of discovering that believing in yourself is a magic of its own.

Lines in the Gravel

Lines in the Gravel is an engaging, often humorous, series of snapshots about Al Ainsworth's experiences growing up in rural Star, Mississippi. It is one story—told by a collection of stories—of family and faith that transcends his own experience to connect with others who seek to perpetuate their own values through the stories they tell…and re-tell.

No Vacancy

No Vacancy is a collection of humorous personal essays. Each essay is independent of each other, but together the collection weaves an autobiographical tapestry, at times sad, bizarre, and deeply personal. No skeleton in her closet is safe.

Lisa tackles subjects including grand conspiracies, generation gaps, memory loss, aging, nostalgia, modern technology, Corporate America, airline industry, affairs, addiction, unorthodox relationships, male species, and female anatomy, to name just a few.

Cityscapes: Urban Treasure, Urban Detritus

Our city streets contain a multitude of objects that people have left behind, lost, or abandoned—a single tap dancing shoe, a lost lipstick lid, a forgotten mug. These wayward items represent our untold stories, our lost moments stolen by time and place. This poetry collection is a linked series that focuses on those objects that we fail to notice as we walk our sidewalks and travel down our streets.

Lot 149

“It’s just a light flickering, must be faulty wiring or something – isn’t it?”

Lot 149 is a paranormal story about Keira, a recently divorced woman who purchases a decaying old farmhouse with a truly spectacular history. Country living, a tidy divorce settlement and a job promotion that allowed telecommuting – this farmhouse would be a fresh start for both Keira and her son Tad, a break they so badly needed.

"Sure it needs work -- but don't we all?"

Leaving a big city job behind, Kiera embraces country living and is intent on raising pasture-fed pork and free-range chickens and the latest developments in organic farming; however, she soon realizes how much work is involved in restoring the farmhouse. To help with repairs, she calls in Frank, a local handyman and pest control guy.

“It’s a house with a history, that’s all. Plays tricks with your mind. Most old houses are like that.”

As Keira and Frank work on the house, several unnerving things begin to happen, and the secrets of the house begin to revel themselves. One of the locals, Joe Adams, fills Keira in on the previous owners:

They had two boys, long time ago, one of them had fits or somethin’.

Ain’t nobody seen that boy for decades. Most of us though they put him away –

He had a thing for cattle – bit of a freak, strange things always happened when he was around.

Ol’ Johnston down the way said he did in his whole herd, but nobody could prove nothing. And then there was the Smith child –

Now, decades later, Keira is the owner in full possession of the old farmhouse on Lot 149.


To check out this novel, please go to


There's a monster in my bed. Oh wait. It's a baby.

No self-respecting modern woman wants a baby, until you do and then you’re stuffed.

There’s a monster in my bed. Oh wait. It’s a baby is a series of satirical columns about surviving life with a baby and a boyfriend in a modern world that forgot it’s not 1950 something.

Briana takes on all things babies and boyfriend as she discovers motherhood is like riding a wild horse that’s out of control. Only the horse is not a horse, it’s a donkey. And it’s going backwards.

Written with a lot of sarcasm, a little humor and not enough coffee by a woman who wishes she was Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


New Orleans Supernatural Weekly

Following a series of unfathomable attacks, journalist Sayeva Reardon decides to publish a (bi)weekly news magazine revealing the true nature of New Orleans' less mundane community. She regularly reports on stories ranging from the best to the worst in the city's supernatural underground, covering every creature and species without prejudice. But not everyone appreciates Sayeva's efforts in bringing what had so long been hidden from human eyes to light, and she soon finds herself fighting and running from danger at every angle.

Can You Hear Me Now?

Can You Hear Me Now?

They call it The Rocket, this streetcar, but nothing could be further from the truth. It’s a slow boat, a barge on its way down the Limpopo, steamy in summer; in winter, gritty underfoot and rank with the smell of wet wool. On rainy days the windows blur and water from boots and umbrellas pools on the dirty floor.

On this long, long journey across the city I’m with you, though you don’t know me. You’re talking on your phone. About your mother, your date last night, what you want for dinner. Or maybe you’re talking about your next court date, your drug problem, your divorce. Your recent sexual enlightenment, the pain in your leg (or your heart) that won’t go away. Can you hear me now, you ask, when your phone cuts out for a second. You’re not talking to me.

But I hear you. I’m listening. Here are some of the stories you’ve told me.


The Domesticated Poet

A behind the curtain look at life for this poet/Stay at home mom. Join me as I discover what it takes to balance the two as well as break the sterotypes that go along with both. 

Allie's Choice

Allie comes home when her grandmother dies to finish the B&B that her grandmother had planned. While working on the house she finds a wooden box and opens a door to the past which changes her family in ways she could never imagine.

December Dead

From an amazing discovery in the jungles of the Amazon, to the serene mountain village of Hogsback in South Africa, something deadly has been unleashed, and the responsibility of ensuring humanity survives this unbelievable event has been placed in the unprepared hands of single parent Amanda Hoyer and her twelve year old son, Jimmy. Lost in the unforgiving mountains of the Amatola, and up against a relentless military force led by the cold-hearted General Peterson, Amanda and Jimmy will have to dig deeper than ever before in order to find the courage to overcome the mounting odds! With Jimmy possibly the only thing standing between the world as we know it and total annihilation, Amanda has no choice but to ensure she protects him - at whatever cost! This December may be the last...

Love Ballads Written in Moon Dust

Your weekly fix of romantic poetry written in the beautiful mindset of miss Luna Lynn. She is the dreamer in me, and I invite you to find the dreamer inside of yourself. A series of love ballads based in a cosmic wonderland, that will allow your mind to get lost in a fantastical world of starlight dreams.

Put a little moon dust in your Monday's! ;)

The Warlock Case Files

It's tough being a warlock in Washington, DC. Magic doesn't pay the bills, and sometimes you have to take on other jobs. 

I'm Dafydd Smith, and I'm a warlock. No, not the "sold my soul to the devil" type warlock. The "male witch" kind. (Everyone gets those confused, so don't feel bad.) 

One day I'm minding my own business, heading out for a bite to eat after a hard day exorcising ghosts, when I run into a vampire. Yeah, you heard that right. A vampire. With his fangs in some guy's neck. It was kind of sexy and scary all at the same time. 

What did I do? Well, read on, and I'll tell you how I got rid of a ghost haunting a vampire. And if you enjoy that one, there will be more stories. Hanging around with a vampire appears bring on all sorts of supernatural stuff. Who would have thought it?

I'm changed the frequency to once a month, and I will be adding a new short each month until I get back to working on the next book.

Cover Image Credit: Captblack76 | - Vampire Portrait Photo

The Typist

In the vein of classics from Lovecraft and Poe comes the horror tale of Henry Pickman. A disillusioned newspaper editor down on his luck, Pickman's fate takes terrifying twist when he finds an antique typewriter with a dark secret and the boundaries between fiction and reality begin to fade.

2017 Short Story Contest Finalists

This is a monthly series featuring the finalists of our 2017 Channillo Short Story Contest. The stories will be released in random order as follows.

"Last Man to Die" by Rudy Koshar

"The Trail" by Melissa Algood

"Versions of You" by Joe Prosit (3rd Place)

"The County Fair" by Sasha Lauren (1st Place)

"Draw the Other One" by Adam Cook

"Presence" by Rudy Koshar

"The Wish" by Jae Mazer (2nd Place)

"Seconds" by Chance Webb

"Bacia" by Isabelle Reid

"Rum and Tears" by Simon A.C. Martin

"Reunion" by Melissa Algood

The Last Minuters

When recent divorcee Margaret Ayinger decides to end her life, she wants to go out in style.  For those who have done their homework and for whom money is no object there is only one place for that: The Precipice Hotel.  Like a hospice for the terminally eccentric, it has stood for over a hundred years in a region plagued by yearly forest fires.  Upon arrival, Margaret finds the old place nothing like what was advertised. 

Oh sure, the staff are friendly.  And the food?  Positively four star!  Something about it though just doesn't sit well with her.  For instance, the people who randomly swan dive from their balconies late at night, the impossible thing living in her bedroom, and the automatons in black body stockings roaming the halls.  Oh, and the purple monster named Fred who lives in the gorge.  

And I Remembered

The suicide attempt was supposed to be the end for Elisabeth. Instead, it was yet another beginning for her, but it forced her to look back at every event in the previous five years that had brought her to this point.

Miami was a light, carefree, airy place where Elisabeth thought she had found herself, and found someone else, a professional hockey player who was starting his own adult life - just like she was. Until it took a grave turn.

Chicago was dark and lonely, a place where Elisabeth wanted to find herself, but lost herself. 

Jumping into the ocean forced her to consider what direction she decided to go in next. But it also helped Elisabeth understand how she grew, struggled and nearly gave up. And how she had to put it all back together.

The Resurrection of Gideon

Vampire Gideon Gower was a monster. Ruthless, bloodthirsty, and violent. A swift and brutal death awaiting anyone who happened to cross his path. He existed this way for centuries, until a shocking encounter in the 1930s left him reliving heartbreaking memories of loved ones long dead, touching on a pain that he hadn't allowed himself to feel for three hundred and seventy years.


Fast forward to 2018.


Eighty-five years have now passed and Gideon hasn't preyed on a single human since that night, instead choosing to feed off of animals in the Everglades and hiding away in a small house in Miami. But the quiet of his self-imposed isolation is shattered by the unexpected appearance of Meegan, a beautiful woman from his grisly past who's determined to return him to the fiend he once was. As Meegan attempts to drag him back down into bloody temptation, Gideon has to decide. With the man and the raging beast within pulling him in two different directions at once, does he continue to fight his instincts or allow the baser, darker part to take over once again, the latter tremendously more appealing.

Eventually Gideon finds purpose in newly forged friendship and rediscovered family, but when a gruesome murder committed by Meegan during Prohibition comes back to haunt her ninety years later, threatening not only exposure for Gideon and herself, but the safety of his family as well, Gideon must do everything he can to protect them. Even if it means unleashing the side that he's tried to keep caged for eight and a half decades.

The question is, can he close that door again once it's opened? Gideon is willing to take that chance. For them. But at what cost to himself?

Miss Exclusive

     Everyone wants their 15 minutes of fame, right?  Well, almost everyone. 

     They call me "Miss Exclusive."  People just seem to want to tell me their stories, and I print them in my newspaper column of the same name.  I've talked to some really interesting and amazing people, and you never know who's going to come out of the woodwork to tell me their story...or when the story will tell itself.

View a complete list of ongoing and completed series here.

COLORS, by Celaine Charles

We live in a colorful world, one that speaks if we listen.

This collection of poetry captures the shades and tints of color I find in my walk along life. The world shines in hues of sorrow, fear, joy, and victory. It’s quiet and thoughtful, though has the potential to scream at the...View Series

The Kraken is a legendary giant sea monster. For parents, the Kraken is the hungry child which demands to be fed immediately or else the world will end!

This book is for the frustrated mother and father who is trying their best but doesn’t have the energy to think of new, innovative things to feed their children! A crowd sourced mind is supposed to work better than one so...View Series

Titus Fogg hates magic, and with good reason. Born into a murderous family of cruel and powerful casters in modern Massachusetts, magic has contributed to every bad thing that has happened to him since birth. After finally managing to banish the most likely evil (but definitely dirty-minded) entity called Shade from his body to the sidelines as his shadow, Titus has the chance to have a normal, magic free,...View Series

As we pass through one another's lives online – with our words, our images, our carefully crafted self portraits of ourselves – it is easy to feel that even as our followers increase, the number of people who truly know us radically decreases.

In this series, I attempt to delve deeper into those brief glimpses at the lives of strangers, inspired only by their online communications:...View Series

Have you ever watched a movie and wondered why it left you with a feeling of dissatisfaction so subtle that you couldn't quite put your finger on it? Have you ever wondered how to tell if you're watching a movie through the male gaze? Then look no further. Feminist Flicker is here to shine a light on those shadiest of cinematic corners.

It is an unfortunate, but inescapable truth that...View Series

“I dream of lost vocabularies that might express some of what we no longer can.” -Jack Gilbert

 View Series

The world can be funny or terrifying depending on your outlook. Join our hero as he navigates the daily grind, experiencing life so you don't have to.

 View Series

"you are a place where light longs to be

and it seeks you out no matter your doubt

and maybe you are not the sun

and it's okay

no one faults the moon for being exactly what it is..."

a collection of poems about losing and finding, about navigating anxiety, about learning to live in...View Series

A Touch of Noir is a collection of short stories written in "noir" style, featuring immoral, desperate, and sinister characters set in the foggy, shadowy and hilly landscape of post-WWII San Francisco, as well as Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Manhattan, and Chicago.  The stories are primarily told in first person, using language typical of 1940s-1960s.

**Update: A...View Series

 Whether we await good news, or expect to be disappointed, our character is revealed through our actions while we are being forced to wait. Join me on this journey of self-discovery and the exploration of the human condition. In between the big moments, nestled in the pauses and the quiet, lives the chaos where our lives are truly being lived.

 View Series

A selection of speculative short stories on life, death, and change. 


1. Dig - A conversation between a gravedigger and a strange visitor to the cemetery. (April 30, 2019)

2. Wildmoore - An intellectual physician confronts memories of the past when he attempts to cure a young heiress who has come down with a mysterious...View Series

The year is 1615. In a Benedictine convent in Northern France a woman named Mary Seton, who was once lady-in-waiting to Mary, Queen of Scots is nearing the end of her life. 

She wants to tell you her story. 


 View Series

poems that offer glimpses into lives, into minds and hearts, into moments

picture walking down the road and glancing into windows, or driving and glancing out, each look offering a snapshot of the scene you've seen

might be good, might be bad, might be nonsense.. but it will be something

 View Series

Eight years ago, Sera Storme was forced to give up her baby daughter, Lani, for safekeeping. On the run from the Trillium criminal organization, she became a bounty hunter and mercenary for hire, taking jobs where she could, staying low-key. 

On her most dangerous assignment yet, she and Lani are reunited. Sera Storme is a hotheaded bounty hunter, a crack shot and a master of unarmed combat....View Series

Hamster Stew is a diary-style comedy serial about the adventures of an Irish mom, Trish McTaggart, struggling with her teenage son, a scary ten year old daughter, and an out of control life which lurches from disaster to chaos. All she wants is a part-time job, more passion with her Scottish husband, and a hands-off mother-in-law but life, and her daughter, are conspiring against her dreams.

Perhaps...View Series

Ask anyone in Eagle Valley, Virginia, and they’ll be happy to tell you the history of their little town. After all, it’s a fascinating story. Way back in the 1700s, some of the town’s bravest young men marched off to fight in the Revolutionary War. Later, Eagle Valley’s mill brought the American Dream right to their doorsteps. During the Civil War, families were split between staying...View Series

Whose bones lie in Caroline’s grave?

A mysterious drowning. A dead person seen alive. A secret society reviving ancient rites. Rumours of smuggling, espionage and betrayal.

When a handsome stranger asks Jayne for help, her quest takes her to Greece where a web of lies, intrigue, and jealousy is soon laid bare. 

But how can Jayne unravel the intrigue of her...View Series

"You fill your eyes to their laurel brims

With the beauty that seeps from the cracks

Of the world, broken

Like shattered pottery."

Minute portraits of ordinary life - mere moments in time - that concentrate on the notion that broken things are beautiful.

Winner of the 2016 Channillo...View Series

trees like paintbrushes
dipped in yellow, red, orange
left on end to dry


this collection celebrates nature, in every aspect.. come see the world with me..


*cover painted by kathie nooms saxby, inspired by my haiku, above.. which then inspired this collection

 View Series

The Life With Poetry series follows themes of everyday living and converts them into poetry delights. 

 View Series

A tiny Cinnabar box contains the key to the water supply of an entire planet. The planet's ecology depends on a great river that periodically overflows. Only the key's rightful owner can restore the water supply, which has been hidden for centuries. The task needs a trained army – but for now, it is in the hands of fifteen-year-old Donna, who has just learned a shocking secret about herself....View Series

On the day the riders came to town, they kidnapped Kella and brought her to Lord Perrin’s keep. To win her freedom, she must cure Perrin’s son from the magic poisoning his blood. Where Kella is from, it is dangerous if people find out that you are a magic-user. That’s why she and her mother had never settled in one spot for long—as soon as rumors started circulating about...View Series

Lines in the Gravel is an engaging, often humorous, series of snapshots about Al Ainsworth's experiences growing up in rural Star, Mississippi. It is one story—told by a collection of stories—of family and faith that transcends his own experience to connect with others who seek to perpetuate their own values through the stories they tell…and re-tell.

 View Series

No Vacancy is a collection of humorous personal essays. Each essay is independent of each other, but together the collection weaves an autobiographical tapestry, at times sad, bizarre, and deeply personal. No skeleton in her closet is safe.

Lisa tackles subjects including grand conspiracies, generation gaps, memory loss, aging, nostalgia, modern technology, Corporate America, airline...View Series

Our city streets contain a multitude of objects that people have left behind, lost, or abandoned—a single tap dancing shoe, a lost lipstick lid, a forgotten mug. These wayward items represent our untold stories, our lost moments stolen by time and place. This poetry collection is a linked series that focuses on those objects that we fail to notice as we walk our sidewalks and travel down our...View Series

“It’s just a light flickering, must be faulty wiring or something – isn’t it?”

Lot 149 is a paranormal story about Keira, a recently divorced woman who purchases a decaying old farmhouse with a truly spectacular history. Country living, a tidy divorce settlement and a job promotion that allowed telecommuting – this...View Series

No self-respecting modern woman wants a baby, until you do and then you’re stuffed.

There’s a monster in my bed. Oh wait. It’s a baby is a series of satirical columns about surviving life with a baby and a boyfriend in a modern world that forgot it’s not 1950 something.

Briana takes on all things babies and boyfriend as she discovers motherhood is like...View Series

Following a series of unfathomable attacks, journalist Sayeva Reardon decides to publish a (bi)weekly news magazine revealing the true nature of New Orleans' less mundane community. She regularly reports on stories ranging from the best to the worst in the city's supernatural underground, covering every creature and species without prejudice. But not everyone appreciates Sayeva's efforts in...View Series

Can You Hear Me Now?

They call it The Rocket, this streetcar, but nothing could be further from the truth. It’s a slow boat, a barge on its way down the Limpopo, steamy in summer; in winter, gritty underfoot and rank with the smell of wet wool. On rainy days the windows blur and water from boots and umbrellas pools on the dirty floor.

On this long, long...View Series

A behind the curtain look at life for this poet/Stay at home mom. Join me as I discover what it takes to balance the two as well as break the sterotypes that go along with both. 

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Allie comes home when her grandmother dies to finish the B&B that her grandmother had planned. While working on the house she finds a wooden box and opens a door to the past which changes her family in ways she could never imagine.

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From an amazing discovery in the jungles of the Amazon, to the serene mountain village of Hogsback in South Africa, something deadly has been unleashed, and the responsibility of ensuring humanity survives this unbelievable event has been placed in the unprepared hands of single parent Amanda Hoyer and her twelve year old son, Jimmy. Lost in the unforgiving mountains of the Amatola, and up against a relentless...View Series

Your weekly fix of romantic poetry written in the beautiful mindset of miss Luna Lynn. She is the dreamer in me, and I invite you to find the dreamer inside of yourself. A series of love ballads based in a cosmic wonderland, that will allow your mind to get lost in a fantastical world of starlight dreams.

Put a little moon dust in your Monday's! ;)

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It's tough being a warlock in Washington, DC. Magic doesn't pay the bills, and sometimes you have to take on other jobs. 

I'm Dafydd Smith, and I'm a warlock. No, not the "sold my soul to the devil" type warlock. The "male witch" kind. (Everyone gets those confused, so don't feel bad.) 

One day I'm minding my own business,...View Series

In the vein of classics from Lovecraft and Poe comes the horror tale of Henry Pickman. A disillusioned newspaper editor down on his luck, Pickman's fate takes terrifying twist when he finds an antique typewriter with a dark secret and the boundaries between fiction and reality begin to fade.

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This is a monthly series featuring the finalists of our 2017 Channillo Short Story Contest. The stories will be released in random order as follows.

"Last Man to Die" by Rudy Koshar

"The Trail" by Melissa Algood

"Versions of You" by Joe Prosit (3rd Place)

"The County Fair" by Sasha Lauren (1st Place)

"Draw...View Series

When recent divorcee Margaret Ayinger decides to end her life, she wants to go out in style.  For those who have done their homework and for whom money is no object there is only one place for that: The Precipice Hotel.  Like a hospice for the terminally eccentric, it has stood for over a hundred years in a region plagued by yearly forest fires.  Upon arrival, Margaret finds the old place...View Series

The suicide attempt was supposed to be the end for Elisabeth. Instead, it was yet another beginning for her, but it forced her to look back at every event in the previous five years that had brought her to this point.

Miami was a light, carefree, airy place where Elisabeth thought she had found herself, and found someone else, a professional hockey player who was starting his own...View Series

Vampire Gideon Gower was a monster. Ruthless, bloodthirsty, and violent. A swift and brutal death awaiting anyone who happened to cross his path. He existed this way for centuries, until a shocking encounter in the 1930s left him reliving heartbreaking memories of loved ones long dead, touching on a pain that he hadn't allowed himself to feel for three hundred and seventy years.


Fast...View Series

     Everyone wants their 15 minutes of fame, right?  Well, almost everyone. 

     They call me "Miss Exclusive."  People just seem to want to tell me their stories, and I print them in my newspaper column of the same name.  I've talked to some really interesting and amazing people, and you never know who's going to...View Series

View a complete list of ongoing and completed series here.