Fate determined the path for runaway author L.S. Fellows who, despite proud roots, bade Britain a fond farewell to follow her heart to Iberia, convinced she had been born in the wrong country. 
More than a decade later, her beloved Spain - where passions run high as the temperature soars - provides the perfect inspiration for her mysteries with a vengeful twist. 
Now a translator and, more importantly, a fur-mom to two adorable but mischievous mutts, she might be spotted with her nose in a book, armed with just the teeniest chunk of chocolate and a zillion pomegranates! 
Dare to change her world and her merciless pen will strike you down - unless you bring more chocolate, of course!

Name: Lynne Fellows
Current Member: No
Location: Spain
Joined Channillo: December 2015
Followers: 8   Following: 0
Twitter: @lfwrites
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