Badger farmer, yellow Spam goo investigator, oh...and writer. I'm James and I write words, which sounds like an opening to a support group. I'm a fan of writing all over the board, and not sticking myself into a corner, because nobody puts baby in a corner! I write whatever pops into my head as long as the idea feels good. My work here on Channillo is a serialized fiction about super heroes living in the modern world (i.e., living with the internet and instant information), presented in the style of an actual comic book. Please join me, and if you do, I'll send you a brownie and a puppy...please allow 2 to 8,374 weeks for brownie delivery.

Name: JF Hensley
Current Member: No
Location: Murray, KY
Joined Channillo: December 2015
Followers: 8   Following: 8
Twitter: @SardonicScribe
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