Writing was never my thing. Music, photography, creating something from nothing, this is what I enjoyed. Family life can be hectic, but when you take those few minutes out to watch a movie with your daughter and a certain question gets asked, ideas spring to life. This is my story.

From this, the smallest spark of a story idea came into my head. With a starting point, I was ready to begin some research. I was not prepared for where it would lead me, nor how long it would take.

Two years went past. The smallest amount of pages written in that time. A tonne of pages filled with ideas and research gathered, I finally had a goal in mind and could see where it was going. With the help of a fellow writer, my first chapter was binned.

Another year later, and four brand new chapters were designed. My writing had improved. I felt like this was doing something at last. Working full time, a house full of children, no time to myself, this was not going to be an easy task going forward.

The powers of social media inspired me to keep going. A total of four years so far, and still sitting on chapter four, the Novel Writing Month was upon me. By the end of the inspiring month, chapter twelve was eventually complete. Only two months later, and the first draft of over sixty thousand words had been secured.

Almost another year later, and still struggling through editing, the decision had been made. I was going to bin another chapter. It was one of my favourites, but the positioning hadn’t felt right. The chapter has been revised over, and over, determined to get it right. October 3rd, 2016, over five years after the idea was born, “The Lamb” was released. Helping myself along the way and not relying on other people to do the work for, or with, me, I can call myself an author.

Name: Luciain M. Irvine
Current Member: No
Location: England
Joined Channillo: September 2016
Followers: 22   Following: 24
Twitter: @LuciainMIrvine
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