So here is the deal. 
I first started blogging in 2005 as means of easy therapy. The constant Interaction and feedback helped validate my thought process and writing. I got hooked with writing. My first attempt at serious writing began in 2006 and that book needless to say is still a work in progress. I made various outlines since then but it is now 2016 so i decided to get my act together. 
I just finished writing a short story and this seems to be the best approach to get started (many famous writers started this way).
I prepared myself by reading books of all genres and with K.M Weilands guides on writing and self-editing. 
Moral of this short story (pun intended)? 
Start writing and arm yourself with resources. Keep writing.

Name: Monisha Menon
Current Member: No
Joined Channillo: September 2016
Followers: 4   Following: 1
Twitter: @carefularbiter
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