Hi, guys! My name is Aly, and I'm a novelist and freelance editor/transcriptionist with my first self-published novel release in December of 2016. I'm hoping to follow and support many of you here at Channillo as well as publish a few pieces of my own.

I have a account, a Twitter account, and my own website where I blog about writing, faith, and fantasy!

I have currently completed 2 novels, one an epic fantasy that will be the first in a trilogy, and the other a YA portal fantasy that is due for release this December. 

I love supporting my fellow authors any way that I can and so I hope to contribute just a little to sharing your art and encouraging you in the writer's journey.

Hope to connect with many of you all soon! 


Name: Aly Clark
Current Member: No
Location: United States
Joined Channillo: August 2016
Followers: 7   Following: 0
Twitter: @alycatauthor
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