My life has been full of adventures but nothing compares to the adventure of reading a great book. That is what I endeavor to do, write great books. I draw on my experiences in travel, martial arts and random things fortuitously dropped in my lap. I am a lifelong martial artist and have travelled the world with my art.  I’ve been a full contact fighting national champion, twice, and a national coach. I’ve taught Hollywood actors and directors. I have even dabbled a bit with the silver screen myself. My writing is heavily influenced by what I read, as I am sure all writers are. Fantasy and science fiction were an integral part of growing up. All of those hours spent immersed in Dungeons and Dragons and videogames have given me a tapestry of influences. The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandra Dumas is my favorite book.  If you haven’t read it, drop everything and get a copy. My writing career began in when I was 7. I wrote a science fiction story about two warring brothers on another planet fighting over their father’s kingdom. It was terrible and I loved it.  ‘Thank you’ goes, as always, to my ever-supportive wife, who is also the most beautiful woman on the planet. Read my stuff. Maybe you’ll like it, maybe you won’t.  Then again maybe you will.

Name: A.G. Howey
Current Member: No
Location: Vancouver BC Canada
Joined Channillo: July 2016
Followers: 6   Following: 0
Twitter: @ayroniswriting
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