Wandering Minds
By Rich R.

Series Description:

Our brains never seem to settle on a single destination. We're always buzzing, chasing a new direction. What if we caught those moments of divergence, those times in between the journey where we are occupied by a "seemingly" random thought? Perhaps, upon analysis, we see that it was never so random after all. Let your mind wander with mine and get lost in a place that might have been your destination all along. Hope you enjoy, folks. 

Category/Genre(s): Poetry
Updated: Every Other Week
Status: Inactive

Author Bio For Rich R.:

Just another poet who searches within themselves for the right words. 

Series Description:

Our brains never seem to settle on a single destination. We're always buzzing, chasing a new direction. What if we caught those moments of divergence, those times in between the journey where we are occupied by a "seemingly" random thought? Perhaps, upon analysis, we see that it was never so random after all. Let your mind wander with mine and get lost in a place that might have been your destination all along. Hope you enjoy, folks. 

Category/Genre(s): Poetry
Updated: Every Other Week
Status: Inactive

Author Bio For Rich R.:

Just another poet who searches within themselves for the right words.