Pinea-Liena de Costa
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I am going to Pinea-Liena de Costa because there is where the sea collides with the stones and melt in waves

I am going to Pinea-Liena de Costa because there is where the extreme touches another extreme

I am going to Pinea-Liena de Costa because there is where the ones who want to change the world meet

I am going to Pinea-Liena de Costa because there is where new winds are formed and breezes blow fresh air

I am going to Pinea-Liena de Costa because there is where stones are soft and people are friendly

I am going to Pinea-Liena de Costa because there is where pinkish sunsets show that not many care

I am going to Pinea-Liena de Costa because there is where the blue meets with the infinite and shapes us again

I am going to Pinea-Liena de Cos...

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