All That Transpires Under the Night Sky (5)
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Schmidt spun and spoke at the same time. "Begone, Tartys, the Hidden Night Hunter. Do not return from whence you came but come to me." He held out the enchanted ruby.

Tartys recoiled, but the magicks had done their job, and the ruby pulled the demon into its depths.

The demon contained, Schmidt fell to his knees, gasping for breath. The spell had taken too much out of him to worry about Johannes, but the sound of cracking ice soon followed.

Johannes shuffled through the detritus of the spells, intentionally smudging their lines with his large feet. "You alright?" he asked.

"I will be," Schmidt replied. "But I suppose we'd best book a train to New York. The Bruderschaft is going to want this little trinket, and a full report."


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