Esther's Treasure-Chapter 1 (1)
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Disclaimer~This storyline is not my personal belief.  This is a work of fiction.  I hope you take it as that, whatever your beliefs are.

     She crawled further and further into the cave.  It was dark and water drops hit the back of her head and made their way down the sides of her face.  The only light was up ahead, but only because it was from her flashlight.  She had to be coming on it soon.  More and more inside she crawled.  All her research had pointed to this cave and to the stuff in it.  She was almost giddy with the thrill of it!  It had to be here, it just had to be.  Then, the dreaded thought hit her and her giddiness disappeared.  What if someone had beat her to it?  She couldn’t think like that.  She h...

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