Clara-Chapter 1 (1)
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     Dear Clara—I just want to say thank you for letting me in on a little of your life, that intersects mine, through family on my mother’s side.  It’s been quite a journey.  I hope I told it the way you wanted and I have made you proud.  You were quite a lady and I’ll be looking for you in Heaven.  I know you’re the same woman I saw in the train car that day, 20+ years ago in the National Holocaust Museum in D.C., when your ghostly self stared at me, and I stared at you, and we defied time and space to have a moment that I cannot explain.  We will have a lot to talk about when I get to Heaven and can see you and hug you.  I know our hearts are forever together and I love you more than I can say.  I’m glad we shared p...

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