Chapter Twenty-One (1)
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Tess stood. She had been sitting on her bed for the last hour trying to work on her homework, but she couldn't seem to focus. The events of the day kept replaying in her mind.

She had been on the verge of tears ever since she saw the remains of Dr. Armitage, but she hadn't cried for him, and she hated herself for it.

She had cried, once, after her father's death, that was all she would allow herself, but there had been plenty of mourners at her father's funeral. His family, his friends, other police officers, and Tess and her mom had all been there. She was sure they had cried for him, but who did Dr. Armitage have?

Her mom hadn't cried—she had been happy that Tess and, to a lesser extent, Titus were safe. She had hugged them both before going to talk to peop...

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