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Lately, I am mighty tempted to start a second series here on Channillo - one in which I explore a serial that has come to me as my mind procrastinates on the Little Red Riding Hood revisioning I am working on. 

As a writer, I have several temptations - procrastination and self-editing as I write. Which really, is that not just the ultimate form of procrastination? But it is dangerous to me. I never thought I would seek publication, either traditional or indie. I thought, I'll write because I need to and that will be enough. And that's true, as I am sure it is for most writers - that need to write.

But that lack of ambition means if I get bored with a story, I desert it. Quickly. I have a 10,000 (ish) word short story that is a brilliant retelling of Cinderella (except with drag...

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