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I am struggling with so many things right now, and I feel like I am drowning. 

I'll be lucky to get a D in my tax class. I do the reading. I do the homework. And I get A's on the quizzes. Then I get a D on the exam. And let's not talk about the stupid management class. It's stupid, and I resent taking it. Which means any shot at effort flew out the window a long time ago. I have a C right now, which isn't bad for bare minimum participation, I suppose. 

And my math class? Oh, I'll be spending the 4 days between half semester breaks busting my ass to even catch up there - and taking 4 quizzes at the end of the semester along with the final because I just can't do it. I don't even know why. I know I need this class to progress. I ju...

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