The Way of the Blade
By Brady DuRoss

Series Description:

   A Fantasy series following the exploits of two brothers and what's left of humanity as they fight to survive a repeating apocalypse.  Ale will be drunk and cigars will be smoked as this large cast of colorful characters comes together for a common goal... to preserve what little life is left in this universe.  New threats grow as the protagonists search for the legendary Sara Kramer and her Way of the Blade.

Category/Genre(s): Science Fiction, Fantasy, Adult Fiction
Updated: A Few Times A Week
Status: Completed

Author Bio For Brady DuRoss:

   Writing a proper bio for me would be much the same as anyone else and that would mean writing a whole other novel.  I grew up in upstate New York with a few out of state ventures here and there.  I was shy around people I didn't know and out going around the ones that I did.  I was always creative but during my early teens I found something that my soul had been missing.  Art and Music.  I immediately joined bands as the drummer and began drawing everything that I liked.  A story began to evolve in my head as I drummed my way through sxhool and into a bunch of bands.  I taught myself how to play guitar and began writing songs.  Before long I formed my own band as the lead guitar and singer.  That band was called Blyss.  Did I become a rockstar?  No, I'm a regular guy who works a full-time job.  In my late 20s I started writing down what would eventually become excerpts from the Way of the Blade Universe.  After a few years I found myself with several different stories about a huge cast of characters that repeatedly interact with each other.  Finding myself with no other place to begin than the beginning itself I went about to tell you of some of my favorite characters.  That being said, the best parts to these stories are still yet to come in the shape of many other Novels.  Examples of which are: Dark Heroes-Community Service, Sara, the Way of the Blade-an Eclipse of Gaia, Dark Heroes-Resist and the Way of the Blade-the Legend of Kagyra.


Life and my crazy ass brain

Series Description:

   A Fantasy series following the exploits of two brothers and what's left of humanity as they fight to survive a repeating apocalypse.  Ale will be drunk and cigars will be smoked as this large cast of colorful characters comes together for a common goal... to preserve what little life is left in this universe.  New threats grow as the protagonists search for the legendary Sara Kramer and her Way of the Blade.

Category/Genre(s): Science Fiction, Fantasy, Adult Fiction
Updated: A Few Times A Week
Status: Completed

Author Bio For Brady DuRoss:

   Writing a proper bio for me would be much the same as anyone else and that would mean writing a whole other novel.  I grew up in upstate New York with a few out of state ventures here and there.  I was shy around people I didn't know and out going around the ones that I did.  I was always creative but during my early teens I found something that my soul had been missing.  Art and Music.  I immediately joined bands as the drummer and began drawing everything that I liked.  A story began to evolve in my head as I drummed my way through sxhool and into a bunch of bands.  I taught myself how to play guitar and began writing songs.  Before long I formed my own band as the lead guitar and singer.  That band was called Blyss.  Did I become a rockstar?  No, I'm a regular guy who works a full-time job.  In my late 20s I started writing down what would eventually become excerpts from the Way of the Blade Universe.  After a few years I found myself with several different stories about a huge cast of characters that repeatedly interact with each other.  Finding myself with no other place to begin than the beginning itself I went about to tell you of some of my favorite characters.  That being said, the best parts to these stories are still yet to come in the shape of many other Novels.  Examples of which are: Dark Heroes-Community Service, Sara, the Way of the Blade-an Eclipse of Gaia, Dark Heroes-Resist and the Way of the Blade-the Legend of Kagyra.


Life and my crazy ass brain