The Case of the Intolerant Ghost (Novella): Part 6 (1)
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The drive back to Gerome's house was quiet. Our guy got into the back seat with PopPop without being asked. I guess he figured I got to ride shotgun, considering he now knew about my relationship with Paul. I couldn't help thinking about the ghost's views. Look, I get that people don't like gays. I'd be blind and stupid if I didn't, but I honestly don't get it. I mean, really, what harm am I causing if I'm in love with Paul? I'd think his being a vampire would be a bigger issue than him being a guy, but I'm pretty sure some people would ignore his nature and be all about his gender.

Ah, heck. It’s not like I'm going to change anyone's mind, which is why I was curious to hear what Paul would come up with to convince Charles to move on.

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