Buried But Not Gone: Chapter 18 (2)
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of the not-stick-up-ass vampires,” Dafydd interjected.

The tall vampire gave a small smile but made no comment. “If I can continue without interruption?”

Dafydd grinned and motioned him to continue. Their banter had the ease of long familiarity, and Jim wondered how long they had been together.

Paul continued, the faint smile still lurking in the corners of his lips. “Damien was able to gain access to the files on the Nicholas murder, and there were some disturbing findings.”

“Like?” Jim asked.

“The assailant was injured by his victim. The evidence indicates she managed to stab him, and he left the bloody knife behind.” The vampire’s deep voice added a slight but noticeable emphasis to the word, “blood.” Jim contained another shiver,...

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