The Case of the Reincarnated Lover: Chapter 15 (2)
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in some way, being able to anticipate what’s coming and react appropriately? Makes sense when I put it that way, doesn’t it?

An infusion of horehound clears your mind and promotes quick thinking. Couple that with the ability to foretell the future, and you’re going to react wicked fast.

What about the echinacea? You might think of it as something to take to fend off a cold, but magically, it just strengthens spells and generally makes things work better. I use it in a lot my potions for that, and who knows? Maybe it’s why I don’t get sick often.

I took a sip of the tea. Yep, tasted pretty bad, but the tingle on my tongue told me the mixture was just right and ready to be enchanted. If you were hoping for a lot of chanting and waving about of incense at this poin...

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